Chapter 10

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Yoongi's POV

I dropped my cigarette on the floor and went home.

After closing the gallery, I decided to spend the night in my studio, my plan was not to go home, but I found myself here. I was very angry. I was very offended.

I found my wife lounging on the sofa. I clenched my jaw looking at the image of her falling asleep while watching a reality show. She left me there alone for this shit?

"Wake up Yana."

She didn't hear me.

I told her, "Wake up, damn it."

As she opened her eyes to the side, she stood up and watched my messed up image for a while, her eyes pathetic. She was looking at me that way again, like I was something disgusting. That's what she made me feel.

"Why did not you come?" I asked while rubbing my forehead, "Why did you leave me alone? You humiliated me tonight Yana, am I worth nothing to you?"

"Have you ever tried looking in the mirror?" my wife slowly stood up and crossed her arms as she crossed my face, "You're a shitty man."

"I hate you Yana." When these words, which I said in a calm voice, caused a few drops of angry tears to collect at the corner of my eyes, my throat tightened and I just kept quiet.

"You could have chosen to keep your marriage afloat instead of crying like a stupid baby." she said arrogantly, "Can you tell me how many of your shitty paintings you managed to sell tonight?"

I said with a sad smile, "Zero." and the wetness waiting to drip rolled from the corners of my eyes.

"You don't surprise me once, Yoongi." Yana turned off the TV before going to her bedroom.

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