Chapter 11

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Yoongi met me at the door.

He poked his head out the door before I walked in to see if anyone had seen me enter. I was so scared. It was hard to realize that I had gone crazy enough to ignore that something like this had happened, that my aunt knew or even had a wife, given the circumstances of the moment. The main thing is, what will happen next?

"Do you want a drink?" he asked as he locked the shop door and turned off the front lights.

"Water, please."

He scanned my face with a crooked grin, "I made some before you came in case you wanted coffee."

"Then I want coffee." I said as I followed him to the kitchen.

Yoongi stopped at the kitchen door and slowly turned around, "You go inside and get ready until I come."

"Get ready?" I asked in the dumbest voice I believed could come out of me.

Yoongi raises his eyebrows, "Have you forgotten the real reason you came here? Make sure you take your clothes off until I get there."

I felt myself suffocating as he turned around. My cheeks were burning, doing nothing but swallowing and breathing deeply.

Remember why you came here, you asked for it. I kept repeating these things to myself as I walked into the hallway to his studio. The first thing I noticed when I walked in was that there was a large full-length mirror leaning against the wall opposite the mattress I saw the other day, and I wasn't sure how I could model for Yoongi while it was there.

Will it really stop there?

I walked around the room and, being careful not to look at my reflection in the mirror, I took off my dress, folded it, and placed it on the sofa.

"You are not prepared." When Yoongi returned to the room with two coffee mugs in his hand, he took a quick glance at my lingerie image, then grabbed a canvas from the corner to prepare his supplies.

"I'm ready actually. Do I need to get them all out?"

As he stood in front of the canvas checking something, he gave me a small glance from under the long bangs that covered his lashes like a rough sea, "All of them."

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