Chapter 13

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Yoongi's POV

I didn't see her for a week after I asked her to leave the gallery.

It was absurd and helpless enough, even for a man like me, to use an already ended marriage as an excuse to stay away from me. Yet she was too weak to go of her own volition. She was unaware of what I was like, of the horrible things I was about to do to her.

I was a troubled man who just wanted attention or was put at the top of the ban list for her by society. It's best for her to stay away from me, but she doesn't even know it.

Something was buzzing in front of me as Yana sat at the kitchen table smoking my cigarette. Since the sizzling of the TV was more interesting than my wife's voice, I focused my gaze on the blank faces on the screen.

There was talk of an investigation of a missing girl.

"Yoongi are you listening to me?"

"Yeah sweetie.You're the only thing I listen to," I said, pressing the stub against the ashtray.

"I think we should change the color of the walls. I'll call Jeons tomorrow. Their eldest son can help us. I want some changes in the house, the boy is an architect."

"Who?" pretending to be very interested in this matter, I leaned my elbow on the table and stared blankly at my wife.

"His name was something like Taehyung, I guess." Yana grinned as she took a sip of her detox drink, a vegetable juice she had just passed through a grinder, "Do you remember him?"


"Jungkook's older brother you dumb, he's going to college but he's already very talented. His mom mentioned that he was going to and from Mr. Jeon's company, he was doing an internship with his dad or something-"

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