Chapter 42-Epilogue

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"Where have you been?"

Looking more enraged than I expected for being out all night, Yoongi puts out his cigarette and stands up and grabs my shoulders with a slow but firm grip, "I asked a question Y/N."

"We were studying, I was with Jungkook. We fell asleep while studying."

"Is that all, were you with that gay friend of yours?"

I shook my head and quickly got out of his grasp and wanted to go upstairs, but Yoongi got ahead of me. He leaned against the kitchen door and interrupted me, "Sit down." said.

I knew I wouldn't be able to get out of this easily. Yoongi wasn't acting normally, actually he had been since I knew him, but since I've been staying with him, he's been acting more and more possessive and it was suffocating me.

I slumped in a chair helplessly and waited for what he would say to me as he sat across from me. After sitting for a while with his arms crossed, he pushed a document lying on the table towards me.

"What's this?"

"Look please."

My heart raced when I saw the captioned title, DIVORCE APPLICATION.

I skimmed through the details and my eyes landed on the two signatures side by side at the bottom of the page, "Why are you showing me this?" I asked slowly.

"Just so you know I'm tired of playing games." he said, fixing his gaze on my eyes, "I know who you were with last night."

Of course he knew.

"Yoongi, listen to me."

"You listen to me first Y/N." He slowly reached forward across the table and put his hand on mine, "At first I didn't understand what it was because it was hard for me to accept, but that evening at the gallery I knew I was in love with you." he said, waiting silently for a while to gauge my reaction, then continued, "You're so young and I know you're confused about me, and even though it hurts, it's also about the other guy. But now I'm completely free, whatever I'm doing, bad or wrong, I'm doing it for both of us. .Because I want to be with you."

I stayed quiet for a while just looking at our interlocking hands. I love Yoongi. I'm pretty sure of that. But Namjoon? My feelings with Namjoon are different, it must be because he's protecting me or looking at me for a while. With him, I feel at home. Confidence. Comfort. Tranquility .Yoongi is like an emotional roller coaster, you never know what's coming next minute. Which love is better?

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