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▶ Why Don't We Go There ~ One Direction

Of course he owns a freaking Porsche.

Jungkook looked around at the sleek leather interiors, feeling his inner kid jump in joy. He loved cars. It was an automatic, so Taehyung was sitting back, relaxed. One Direction was playing on the radio.

Jungkook sang along softly.

"Didn't think you'd be a Directioner."

"I am a man of many genres."

"Even Jazz?"

"Ew no, what? Only old people listen to jazz."

Taehyung gave him a side eye.

"You like Jazz?! What? That's it, I'm definitely calling you Granny Old Pants now!"

"What's wrong with that! A good sax solo is unparalleled!"

"Ew stop, you're gonna transfer your old pants germs to me!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes. He parked outside a familiar building. Jungkook realised they were making their way to the cafe where Jimin works.

He wasn't going to hear the end of this.

Jimin was gonna brag about how he set them up and how Jungkook could finally fall in love with someone. Jimin could be a real old hag sometimes.

"Good morning, what can I get - oh my god, Kim Taehyung?!" Jimin gasped.

So he did know Taehyung. Jungkook was right, he was far more famous than he let on. Jimin rarely reacted like that, it was clear he liked this guy.

"Welcome to Caffeine! It's great to have you here!" he said cheerfully, getting over his initial shock until his eyes landed on Jungkook.

"Kook?! What the f- are you doing with him?!"

Taehyung looked amusedly at the wide eyed barista.

"Aren't you the guy who was at his place last week?" he asked, grinning. "It sounded like you both had a lot of fun in the shower."

Jimin went red like a beetroot.

"What? Aren't you a thing?" Tae asked Jimin, making the cute male look at the floor.

"That masked person was you?! Oh god!"

For some reason, being here with Tae made Jungkook feel like he was cheating on Jimin, when they weren't even together in the first place. He didn't know how to clarify their situation without embarrassing himself or Jimin more. After all Jimin had kissed him in front of Tae.

God, he knew it'd be awkward but he didn't think Taehyung would be the one to make it so.

"I'd like a hot chocolate please and a breakfast wrap. Ditch the onions. One muffin please," Taehyung said easily, ignoring the tension.

"An espresso and a chicken sandwich for me," Jungkook said.

Jimin wiggled his brows, winking behind Taehyung's back as they walked to a table on the patio outside. Jungkook stuck up his middle finger, rolling his eyes.

Tae pulled out a chair for him, before seating himself. Jungkook's heart warmed at that.

"Nice day, huh?" Taehyung asked, leaning back on the chair, looking exquisite even in a plain white tshirt and blue jeans.

It really was a beautiful morning, crisp clear and not too hot. Perfect late summer weather.

"Yeah, nice day," Jungkook agreed.

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