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▶ Back For You ~ One Direction

It was evening when Taehyung woke up.

His eyes were swollen and his body hurt. The only thing keeping him together was his Kookie's arms around him. He felt like if Jungkook let go, he would float away and disappear. Kookie was his anchor.

With both his parents gone, Taehyung felt lonelier than ever. He didn't even remember the funeral rites. All he wanted was to be in Jungkook's arms the whole time.

He was stunned to find him waiting outside his door at 2 am at night.

Although he had yelled at him, Jungkook had been waiting outside everyday for ten days?

Nobody had ever cared so much for him except his mom. And he hadn't told her he loved her and now he would never get the chance.

He felt Jungkook's steady heartbeat and looked up at him. He looked angelic when he slept. Tae didn't want to move away without telling Jungkook he loved him.

He didn't want to be consumed in regret like he was with his mom. He was going to make sure Jungkook knew that even if there was no one else in the world who loved him, there would always be one Kim Taehyung who would. In every universe, in every dimension.

"I love you so much Kookie," he whispered.

Jungkook rolled over and pulled him closer, kissing his forehead half asleep.

"What time is it?" he asked groggily.

"It's nine."

Jungkook's eyes opened. He smiled at Tae and yawned, pressing a palm to his forehead.

"You're not burning up anymore."

"I feel better now. Just tired."

"You're probably dehydrated. Drink some water."

Jungkook sat up and was about to get off the bed when Tae grabbed his arm.

"Don't go."

"I'll be back, I'm going to the bathroom Tae."

Taehyung sighed. He finished almost the whole bottle. Kook was right, he was extremely parched. He felt much better after. Jungkook emerged from the bath, hair slicked back, wiping his face with a napkin.



"Can we go to the roof?"

"It'll probably be slippery everywhere since it stopped raining just a while ago but sure we can, if you want to, Tae."

They walked to the door.

"What's this?" Tae asked, noticing the letters stacked near the door. Jungkook had forgotten to put them elsewhere. "I never get so much mail?"

Taehyung picked up one and opened it. Jungkook wanted to combust in embarrassment when he turned, eyes wide.

"You... you wrote these? For me?"

Jungkook nodded, staring at his feet.

"I didn't know you weren't in Seoul. I just thought whenever you'd come home at night after work, you'd read them. They're... very cheesy. The last two are angry ones."

Taehyung ran to his Kookie's arms. His precious baby had thought he would see the letters if he didn't wanna check the phone?! 

"Thank you!" he said against his chest.

They went up to the terrace. The petrichor was still wafting. The city of Seoul glistened all around.

Taehyung inhaled deeply, sighing. The cold air felt beautiful after being indoors all day. Jungkook wrapped his arms around him from the back and kissed his cheek.

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