51. (M)

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▶ Earned It ~ The Weeknd


Their eyes met ~ sparkling doe ones with deep hypnotising onyx ones.

Taehyung shuddered - because of the sea breeze or the heart melting gaze of his boyfriend, he could not tell which.

"Are you sure?" Jungkook asked, dipping his head, softly pressing kisses to Tae's jaw, arms keeping him in place on his lap.

Tae nodded swiftly.

Of course he was sure.

In fact, Jungkook was the only thing in his life right now, that he was 200 percent sure about.

"Yes Kook. Make me yours," he whispered, a blush coating his cheeks as his heartbeat sped up rapidly.

I'm.... This is happening! Oh holy shit Tae, you're really doing this!

"I want to show you how much I love you, my moon", Jungkook muttered lowly against Tae's perfect cupid's bow lips, hot breath brushing over them, making Taehyung's heart go berserk.

"So show me", Taehyung whispered, his body growing hot with need.

That's all it took for Jungkook to capture his lower lip, sucking on it hungrily making Tae reciprocate the action.

Taehyung tilted his head and deepened the kiss, pulling Jungkook closer wrapping both of his arms, around his waist tightly.

Jungkook let out breathy moans, as he fondled Taehyung's locks. He gave them a harsh tug as his warm muscle intruded his mouth, which Tae welcomed as they sucked on each other's tongues.

Feeling a warm hand squeezing his soft ass, Taehyung moaned. It was swallowed by Jungkook, who was loving the sound.

They fell forward.

Jungkook now hovered over Tae, faces flushed with arousal and yet wanting more. The same warm hand held on to Tae's right thigh before pulling it upwards, making it wrap around his waist.

Their crotches rubbed together as Jungkook thrusted, playfully kissing Taehyung, his hands roaming his sides and squeezing whenever he felt like.

Taehyung felt like floating. All the intimate times before in his life didn't even compare to this. His pleasure was never put first, hell, those times were always him taking care of her.

But now, his boyfriend was paying so much attention to him, every sound, every sensation of his. Every action meant to please and satisfy him.

It made his heart warm. Goosebumps shot up his skin when Jungkook's cold fingers unbuttoned the top two buttons of the silken red shirt.

"Hurry up!" he moaned, wanting to feel Jungkook without any interference.

"So eager for me, pretty boy," Jungkook whispered before he latched his lips onto Tae's now exposed, slender, golden neck.

"Fuck! You feel so good, Kook!"

Tae's moans were music to his ears, as he marked and painted the taut, thin skin with love bites.

For the world to see that Kim Taehyung belonged to him and only him.

Taehyung thrusted upwards almost involuntarily, making Jungkook smirk against his collarbones. He was teasing his love, wanting to savour each moment.

Tae's hands fiddled with Jungkook's black shirt buttons, but the ravenette caught his wrists and forced them above his head.

Taehyung whined impatiently, and blood rushed straight to Jungkook's dick. He could feel himself straining against his pants.

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