6. Cereal and twenty-eight

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I walk out of my room on tiptoes so I don’t wake Jonah up. I know for sure I won’t be going to uni today; I’ll miss two lectures but that’s not too important. I checked my phone twice even though I’ve only been awake for about ten minutes now.

Louis didn’t reply. I don’t even know if his phone still works.
I walk into the kitchen but the others are all already of to work or uni. Before grabbing myself something to eat, I pour some cereal and milk into a bowl for Jonah.

I don’t know what to do now. Can I just call at the hospital? They probably won’t be giving me any updates anyways. Or should I drive there, maybe without any result? I don’t want to disappoint Jonah.

“Harry?”, as little voice asks right when I finished his cereal.
I smile softly and pat on the chair next to me, signalling for him to sit down.

“Good morning, darling. Did you sleep well after the honey milk? I made you some cereal, do you like that?”
He nods quickly to answer both of my question and he sits down next to me.

“How is daddy?”
I chew my lip nervously. “I’m not sure. Maybe I could try calling the hospital to ask or we could drive there but-“

“Want to see him”, he interrupts me before I can finish my sentence.
“It’s not that easy, love. I’m not sure if that will be possible. We could try but I don’t want you to be disappointed if it doesn’t work.”

He nods eagerly and than starts stuffing the cereal into his mouth extremely fast before jumping of his chair.
“I’m ready.”

I smile as I watch him trying to tie his shoes. I'm scared. I remembered the doctor saying something about not knowing how he is until he wakes up. I’m not sure if I heard correctly, but if I did, we won’t know how he is unless he woke up already.

On the drive, we’re mainly quiet, both lost in thought. Jonah is biting his nails, sitting on my lap in the train and staring out of the window intensely while frowning.
We get out of the train at the right stop and walk the last few meters by foot.

“Hi”, I say to the same man as yesterday, “We’d like to see Louis Tomlinson.” After giving him my name and a few other information, he nods slowly, typing something into his computer again. “Yes, I’d like you to go to the second floor, wait in front of room twenty-eight. I can’t promise you anything but I believe you will be able to see him. Wait for a doctor or nurse to update you first though. Good luck!”

He smiles friendly and I feel my heart jump a little. Not because of the smile, but because of what he said. We’ll probably be able to see him. We’ll be able to see him.

We take the elevator to the second floor.
“We can see him?”, Jonah whispers.

I shrug. “Maybe. We will have to wait for a doctor. Can you be patient for a little longer, love? You’re doing so good, we’ll get answers soon.”
He nods and reaches for my hands, locking our fingers carefuly. “I can.”

We arrive at the right floor and get out of the elevator, trying to find the right room.
“I this an eight?” Jonah points to the number on the door, written in light blue.

I shake my head. “That’s a six. But the twenty-eight isn’t far then.”
Jonah walks a little faster and points to the next door. “That’s the eight. I know it.”

I sit down on the chairs in front of the room, wiggling my foot and chewing on my cheek. Fuck, I’m nervous.

I hear footsteps on the floor and it feels like I’m going to pass out. I probably shouldn’t even be so nervous, considering I barely know Louis. But I already love his son and I want his dad to be okay.

I want Louis to be okay.
“Hello”, a woman in white clothes says, “You’re waiting for Mister Tomlinson?”

We both nod. “That’s my daddy”, Jonah says and I smile softly.
The woman smiles and bends down a little so she can talk to Jonah.

“I have good news for you, then, bud. He’s better already. Right now he’s sleeping because he has to get a lot of rest but if you like you can wait until he wakes up, yeah?”

It looks like Jonah is extremely relieved, his grin even bigger than before.
“Yeah. Good.”

The woman turns to me and starts explaining stuff I do not understand at all.
She seems to notice and chuckles lightly.

“Sorry, I’ll try explaining in normal language. Mister Tomlinson asked about his son and since we explained who he was with, he seemed really relieved and agreed on us keeping you updated. He got into an accident yesterday around six o’clock. He suffers from a head injury, a concussion that’s classified as a mild traumatic brain injury what caused the coma but since he already awoke just about an hour later, it’s unlikely there will be any bad consequences. He might still have a little memory loss, that’s called Post-Traumatic Amnesia but it will be going away in the next hours as well, if it didn’t already. He has fractured his right shin as well. All in all, when he still laid in coma, we couldn’t be sure how this would end but now that we ran a few tests already, it’s most likely he will get out of this with no consequences.”

I try to take it all in and I feel a big wave of relieve coming over me. Fuck, he’ll be alright. He’ll be fine. It’ll be fine, we’ll be alright.
“Thank you”, I reply after a few seconds of silence.

The doctor smiles friendly. “Of course. This is my job, sir. Do you want to go inside? You can wait there as well.”

Jonah jumps up and nods.
I smile, stand up as well and Jonah grabs my hand as we enter the room quietly together.

Louis is sleeping and even though there’s all kinds of medical stuff around him, tubes, bandages and rails, I couldn’t be happier to see him.


again, not sure if all the medical stuff is exactly correct in this one, tried my best

maybe you'll get another chapter later today<3

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