32. Drunken kisses and hills

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“This”, I say, “Is my old school.”


I laugh. “Louis, this is sentimental.”

He rolls his eyes. “How absolutely beautiful that concrete cube with green windows is. Can’t believe you went to school there.” He pretends to wipe a tear and I slap his arm, a little harder than intended so he leans over the central console to slap me back and press a kiss to the spot right afterwards.

“It’s ugly though.”

“Louisss”, I whine, “It’s not that bad.”

“Whatever”, he says, “Show me cooler stuff than schools, I see them every day at work.”


I start the engine again and stare out of the window, trying to think of something else to show him.

“I don’t know, tell me something and I will show you.”

“Your first workplace”, he says, leaning back into his seat.

I only need to drive a few meters before we arrive at the small bakery that still looks the same.
“I worked at a bakery.”

He laughs quietly and I glare at him angrily. “Lewis, what is funny about that?”

“Imagining little Harry bake bread is adorable.”

“I only sold the bread.” I roll my eyes and point to the building. “Is it at least less ugly?”

He shrugs. “A little. Can I see something cooler now?”

“You asked to see my workplace, idiot”, I whine and he chuckles quietly.

“Yeah, sorry, my fault. Place you first got drunk at.”

I frown before turning the car and driving in the right direction.

Mum agreed to take Jonah for tonight and Jonah already loves her anyways so I agreed on showing Louis my childhood town, as promised. We got some takeaway to eat in the car and I drove him around for a bit before he insisted, I showed him more exciting spots.

“Here”, I say, “It was some classmates birthday.”

He inspects the house for some time. “A little less ugly.”

I laugh and shrug. “Wasn’t my most glorious day. Threw up into his kitchen sink and had to get picked up by Gemma after she promised me, she wouldn’t tell Mum and Robin.”

Louis chuckles and looks at me for some time without saying anything before he looks back at the house. “You were a weird kid. Working in a bakery and throwing up into kitchen sinks.”

I laugh and roll my eyes. “Bet you weren’t better.”

“Not really no. Now, drive me to the spot you had your first kiss at.”

“I don’t have to drive for that.”

“Harry”, Louis whines, “You can’t tell me you had your first kiss while you were drunk the first time.”

I try not to laugh but chuckle quietly. “I was a dumb kid, okay? And that girl was pretty, really.”

“You still are dumb.”

“Hey”, I shout and give him a disappointed look, “I am not.”
He just shrugs. “Then drive me to the coolest spot in town.”
“That would be my house.”

“Harry”, he says, “It isn’t funny.”

“Hey, I am funny.”


“A little bit?”

“Maybe. A little bit.”

And then he adds, after three second of silence: “I only said that so you’d shut up.”

I cross my arms in front of my chest and scoff. “I won’t take you anywhere anymore and you’ll be stuck in this car with me the whole night.”

“I have feet and besides, I wouldn’t really mind.”

I smile a little and start the engine to drive towards the hill we always used to go to after school or have late night meetings to talk about anything at.

“That was the coolest spot”, I say, “But it’s only cool if you’re on top of it.”

He shrugs. “I can’t walk in wet grass with my crutches.”

“The grass isn’t that wet, Louis, you’ll manage.”


“Lou, are you saying this so I’ll carry you?”

He smiles and turns away so I can’t see his face. “Wow, you’re such a baby.”

“Your baby.”

It’s probably stupid that I’m blushing at that, but I can’t help it. Everything he does and says makes me blush or smile.

I get a blanket we can sit on from the trunk and walk over to the other side of the car, opening the door for Louis.

He giggles when I lift him up and that sound is already worth it. He lays his chin on my shoulder and wraps the functioning leg around my waist. “Thank you.”

“Always at your service”, I say and he chuckles quietly.

We arrive on top too quickly, I wouldn’t have minded having him that close for a little longer. I put down the blanket first, Louis afterwards.

I sit down next to him. “Is that pretty enough for you?”

“No, but you are.”

“Louis”, I whine, “Don’t be so cheesy.”

He laughs and lays down on the blanket. “What was so cool about that spot except for the view, then?”

“I don’t know. Laying here, staring at the stars and talking about everything. Meeting here after school or while skipping lessons and just be, without anyone around.”

He smiles. “Does sound good.”
I turn to face him and pull him in, our chests pressing together, his breath tingling on my skin. I kiss him on the lips quickly but he pulls me in, not letting go so our lips stay pressed together lightly.
“I l-“ I stop myself. This time it nearly slipped out, this time I nearly said it.

It feels like love in that moment, but I can’t say it, what if he won’t say it back? That would be the worst thing ever, wouldn’t it?

“Say it”, he whispers and my heart skips a beat. It’s cold outside but his body pressed to mine radiates so much warmth, I don’t even freeze.

“Say what you wanted to say, Harry, please.” It’s just a whisper, a quiet request, but it’s everything.

My breath hitches a little when I say it, not being able to talk loudly.

“I love you.”

I can’t read the expression on his face, don’t know if he is shocked or feels the same, don’t know if it’s love or confusion in his eyes.

He smashes our lips together, kissing me hungrily, but I can’t really kiss him back, not until he says it. He seems to notice the way my body tenses a little so he stops kissing me, staring into my eyes and smiling.

“And I love you, Harry. Love you, love you, love you.”

And in that moment, it feels like that’s all I’ll ever need to hear.



hihi hope you liked it<3

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