9. Television and cool uncles

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It’s the third day I’m spending with Jonah now and I wonder how the hell Louis managed to do this for five years now.

“No, Liam, wait, sorry”, I say into the phone, putting it down on the kitchen counter to concentrate on my food.

I try to finish preparing the pasta but the water keeps flowing out of the pot. And I’m too stupid to handle Louis’ cooker so somehow there’s this super annoying signal tone going on for five minutes now and I can’t seem to turn it off.

“Harry?”, Jonah shouts from the living room and I feel a little bad for letting him watch TV again, Louis probably wouldn’t like this, “See my favourite dog!”

I scoff, shove the pot of the stove while picking up my phone again.
“Wait”, I tell Liam again and walk to the living room, “Need to look for J.”

“Hi, love, where’s your favourite now?” I drop onto the couch next to Jonah and let my head rest against the back.
Jonah sits up excitedly and walks to the screen to point to a dog with green hair and blue eyes that’s currently trying to climb some building. Doesn’t look too intellectual, that series.

“He does look amazing”, I say, “He probably would be my favourite too. I’ll watch an episode with you after lunch, alright, darling?”

He nods happily and walks back to the couch. I pick up my phone for the second time now.
“Hi, Li. Sorry. Now, what was the matter?”

Liam chuckles into the phone and I hear Niall and Zayn rapping along to some song from the radio in the background. It’s only been a few days without them but I already miss home.

“We thought you could use some company and someone to help you with Jonah. How about we meet at some playground I’m the city today and eat ice cream?”
I watch Jonah stare at the screen excitedly, his eyes wide and his cat in his arm.

“Sounds like a plan”, I say, “We already saw Louis this morning so let’s do that. At three o’clock at the cream parlour?”

Liam agrees and I hang up before walking back to the kitchen. I put a bit of pasta into two bowls and add the tomato sauce before sprinkling some cheese on top.

“Hi, Jonah”, I say when walking back to the living room, “How about we eat on the couch today, just once?”
He nods excitedly and reaches out his arms for the bowl. I give him the fork as well and then drop onto the couch next to him.

“Would you fancy getting some ice cream this afternoon?”, I ask, “And maybe go to a playground, my friends would come too, do you remember Zayn, Liam and Niall?”

Jonah nods, not looking away from the screen. “I remember. Yes, I want to get ice cream.”
I smile and watch the weird series for a bit before turning to him again.

“How is the food?”
He shrugs and takes another bite as if he hadn’t decided yet.
“Good. Daddy’s food is a bit better.”

I smile and nod. “I’m sure it is. Well at least it’s alright, I’m already happy with that, love.”

He grins and moves a little closer to me. He wraps his arms around my upper arm and smiles up at me, tomato sauce all over his face.


“So be honest”, Niall says as we watch Liam and Zayn chase Jonah across the playground, “How’s it going with Louis?”

I shrug. “I think I kinda really am crushing on him. And he officially confirmed he’s gay even though I already knew that. He also said he wishes for a partner to raise Jonah with and took my hand for a second when thanking me.”

Niall jumps up and smiles broadly.
“Hah, he likes you, he does”, he shouts and I shush him and pull him down to the bench again.

“First of all, you can’t know that, those were just signs we’re kind of becoming friends and that he’d be ready for a relationship. Doesn’t mean he likes me.”

Niall rolls his eyes. “Let me live in my fantasy. I’m convinced you’re meant to marry. But more importantly, how is Louis?”

I smile. “He’s getting better. He'll probably be out of hospital sometime during the next week. He then still has to get lots of rest, obviously, but I’m just really glad he will be okay."

Niall smiles back at me and I know he knows Louis makes me happy. I turn my head to see Liam and Zayn slide down the slide with Jonah, all three in one row.

I wonder if this is how it always could be, if Louis let’s me. I wish I could take care of Jonah more. Sure, we’ll probably just stay friends but I still want to help Louis out. I don’t want him to have to do everything by himself.

“He’s a sweet child”, Niall says after a few minutes of watching, “Louis really did a good job.”

I nod and listen to Niall tell me about their weekend while taking a picture of the three, now all sitting on swings.
I send the photo to Louis, attaching a text.

Me: They love him already xx

It doesn’t take Louis long to reply, he probably has nothing better to do at the hospital anyways. I really hope he’ll get out soon.

Louis: aww how are you all so cute

Louis: can u four be J’s cool uncles?

Me: I thought we already were :')

Louis: ughh how could I, ofc you already are xx

Me: see you tomorrow love, get better

Louis: thank you again harry; I’ll never stop saying it

When I look up from my phone again, I see Niall staring at me, a big smile spread over his face. “You were texting him, weren’t you?”

I shrug, smiling and hiding my face in my hands before he sees how much I’m blushing.
“Shut up, Niall.”

Niall just chuckles. “You’re so gone for him, aren’t you?”



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