38.Cookies and hoodies

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“Daddy, Harry”, Jonah call and comes running into the living room, “It’s nearly Christmas.”

Louis laughs and pulls Jonah into his lap before he presses kisses all over his face. Jonah looks at him disgusted and wipes over his face.

“It’s still a week, baby, but yes, it’s not too long.”

He chuckles and buries his face in Louis sweater. “Yes, I know but it’s holidays today.”

Since it’s school holidays for Jonah, Louis doesn’t go to work as a teacher over the holidays either and I have a break over Christmas as well, we will be able to spend more time together over the next two weeks.

Zayn and Liam both decided to spend their holidays at their families while Niall is going to stay with Amelia so I decided to stay here with Louis and Jonah the whole time.

“So I decided we make Christmas cookies right now.”

Louis laughs. “Right now?”

“Yes, daddy, I just sayed that. Right now.”

I get up to head to the kitchen and look into the fridge to see if we still have enough ingredients for cookies. Jonah follows right afterwards, lifting his arms so I pick him up to get him a better view into the fridge.

“Eggs, Milk, Butter”, he says, “All we need and maybe flour. Perfect, now we start.”

I chuckle and put him down again while Louis enters the kitchen as well. “Baby, we can start in a second but you get dressed first, I already washed your pyjamas two days ago.”

Jonah rolls his eyes and nods before he disappears to his room.

“Sorry”, Louis whines, “Thought we could have a chilled, cosy first day.”

“Is very chilled”, I mumble and hug him from behind, “Very cosy too. Like spending time with my babies.”

He smiles and turns around to press a kiss to my lips. “Your babies?”

“Yeah”, I breath, “My babies, my boys.” I make a small pause after the next two words, not sure if I should actually say them. “My family.”

It’s an extremely quiet whisper, carefully pronounced as if it could hurt someone if I said it louder.

“Haz”, Louis whispers, “Don’t say that.”

I shrug. “Sorry.”

“No, idiot. Say it. Say it again and again until I’ll actually believe you mean it, until I’ll actually get used to those words, until I finally realize this is real, you are.”

The disappointment from before falls of all at once and all I’m left with is a big, big smile spreading over my whole face.

“Lou, don’t say that.”

He chuckles and kisses me again before he pulls away because Jonah comes running into the kitchen.

“Hello”, he shouts, waving his pyjama pants through the air, “I can’t find pants and I can’t reach my shirts cause I’m tiny so I stealed Hazzie’s hoodie.”

Me and Louis both laugh at the sight of Jonah, toothpaste still on the edges of his lips, pyjama pants in his hand that’s on his hip, my way too big hoodie reaching until his knees.

“Honey, you look like an absolute mess”, Louis says and lifts Jonah up, “You could at least have washed your face.”

“I’m just a baby”, Jonah wails, “I cannot do it.”

Louis rolls his eyes and sits him down on the kitchen counter. “Guess you’ll stay in that dress then, if not, Harry has to get you something else to dress, I’m too lazy.”

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