25. Croissants and cats

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Niall comes walking into the room and tosses a bag from the bakery onto the couch.

“There. Made breakfast.”
He laughs and walks out of the room again.
“Thanks Niall.”

I take the croissant out of the bag before getting comfortable on the couch. It was late when I finally fell asleep yesterday so it’s now one p.m. and I’m just having breakfast.

I turn on my phone to see if I got any messages. I have six, one by Gemma, the rest are by Louis.

I’m a little excited when I see the notification, it’s been nearly two days since I last saw them and we really need to stop with our stupid drama.

Lou: sorry, i was an idiot                    
     maybe we can talk.
     if ur mad at me i can  
     understand too

I was already out by then, not having read his message, the next two messages are from two hours later.

Lou: just let me know that ur     
     if you want
I smile, how could I even be mad at him? What even did we argue about, in the first place?

The last message is an audio from this morning so I click on the little play symbol.

“Hi Harry”, Jonah shouts, dragging out the ‘y’, “We are just so bored over here.” I hear Louis chuckle quietly and that sound makes my heart skip a beat already. “And I realize once again that daddy’s crocodile voice just sucks.”

“Jonah”, Louis interrupts, “What did I say about using those words, honey?” Jonah doesn’t react but continues talking: “I want to show you something, I got a new cool thing and also can you come over for that? I know you don’t live so far. So, come please and bye Hazzie and we love you.”

We love you.

Is it bad that I want this to be true so badly? That’s all I want, really. Them to love me.
I smile broadly. “Awww”, Niall shouts, “He’s so cute, go, visit them, what are you still waiting for?”

I shrug. “It was Jonah who said that. Louis didn’t.”

“Harry, you stupid idiot.” Niall comes walking into the living room and rolls his eyes. “You go there now or I’ll drag you.”

He grabs my arm and pulls me off the couch and into the hallway before pointing to the floor.

“There, shoes. You put them on. There’s a coat and a beanie because it’s November and cold. Put them on as well and then you use your feet to walk to the train station.”
I chuckle but do as I was told.


When I arrive at their flat, I’m a little nervous. What, if I’m intruding? I can’t just show up, can I? I should’ve written message first.

I ring the doorbell nevertheless, chewing on my lip impatiently. It’s Jonah who opens, looking up at me and smiling brightly, when he sees me. “My Hazzie, you’re back”, he shouts and raises his arms so I lift him up.

“My Jonah, I missed you.”

He laughs into my neck quietly and points to the direction of his room.
“Can I show you my new thingy? It’s really the coolest.”

I nod and put him down again, following him to his room. I wonder what Louis is thinking right now, wonder, if he’s happy or angry, relieved or stressed. Wonder if he doesn’t like that I’m here.

“There”, Jonah says and pulls out a stuffed animal that looks just like Stacey only that it’s brown, not grey.

“Stacey’s brother”, he shouts and grins, “Jeffrey. Because it nearly rhymes. Isn’t that so cool?”

I grin. “That is so cool. Can I hold him?”

He thinks for a second but nods and gently puts the toy down in my arm.

“He’s still a small baby, we need to be so, so quiet, Harry.” He shushes me and carefully pets Jeffrey. I could cry because I love him, I love this boy. I want him to be my family.

“Wow, you’re good with babies”, I whisper.

“Yes. I be the best big brother if daddy ever has someone, he has a baby with.”

I smile even wider, ruffling through his hair shortly.
“Now I put him back to bed to his sister. He likes it best with her.”

He places the cat on the bed and smiles.

“Harry?”, he then asks, “Do you still like my daddy?”

My smile falls a bit because he’s too young to worry about stuff like that, isn’t he?
“Of course, honey, why wouldn’t I?”

“’Cause he said it wasn’t bad but you never came so I thought you weren’t my friend anymore.”

I lift him up and sit him down on my lap. “Oh, love, I’ll always be your friend, no matter what happens with me and Louis, alright?”

He nods and smiles. “So, you like us both still?”
“I do, very much so.”

He grins and jumps of my lap. “’Kay. Then I think you should talk it out with my daddy, right? That’s what adults do after fights.”

I chuckle lowly. “Yeah, should do that, you’re really smart.”

“I just don’t want my daddy sad.”

My heart might drop because he’s so smart, he’s so adorable, he’s everything.

“I don’t want your daddy sad either”, I say and then I get up to head to wherever Lois is, but Jonah stops me.

“Harry? I think you’re in love. Both. Daddy said I should not think about it but Milan’s parents are like you.”

I grin. “Why’d you think that?”

“Not sure. Cause you smile and laugh even though Daddy is not funny. And you kiss. And you cuddle and you talk after fights so everything can be fine again.”

I smile. “You’re a good watcher.”

“Yeah”, he says, “I know.”

I laugh at his small eye-roll. “Now you can go to daddy and I wait here for Jeffrey to wake up. And then when you’re done kissing, I come back.”

“Sounds like a good plan. But hey, if you need your dad for yourself, you can tell me, alright? I won’t steal him from you.”

Jonah nods and shrugs again. “I have him most the time and I can share with you. When you’re there it’s also a little like I got two daddies. That’s pretty cool.”



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