17. Play dates and adoration

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Because I felt bad for hanging with Louis and Jonah so much and forgetting about the others a little but I still want to help Louis, we all go out together on Friday.

Before sitting down at some bench on a playground, we got takeaway food and ice-cream.

While Niall and Liam follow Jonah who’s running towards the swings, us others sit down on some bench, ice cream still in our hands.

“How are you doing, Louis?”, Zayn asks who sits right next to Louis and puts down his crotches on the floor.

“Getting better every day. My head doesn’t hurt anymore at all. My leg isn’t the best yet but that’s totally normal, it’ll get better in a few weeks.”

I’m glad to see that Louis and my friends get along. It’s easy, hanging out with all of them together.

“That’s great”, Zayn says, “We were all worried about you.”
Louis smiles happily and watches Jonah with Liam and Niall. “Thank you. I mean, for worrying even though you didn’t know me.”

Zayn chuckles. “I knew more about you than about the Titanic movie after one evening.”

I roll my eyes because Zayn won’t stop being mad at us for not letting him watch Titanic and Zayn starts explaining the whole story to Louis what makes him laugh but also blush because yes, I couldn’t stop talking about him.

After a while, Louis and Zayn are done talking about if Rose or Jack is hotter and settled on both even though Louis insists, he doesn’t find girls hot.

Zayn didn’t exactly deny finding boys hot so now Louis won’t stop teasing him about being bi.

Liam and Niall are now using the carousel and I think they’re having more fun than Jonah doing it because he’s just standing beside them, cheering loudly.

I smile happily when I watch them while listening to Zayn and Louis already becoming best friends.

“Oh, shut up, Louis, I don’t have a crush on Liam”, Zayn shouts and slaps Louis head softly.

Louis just glares at him and boxes his arm. “You have. My gay radar felt it from the start. And I bet he’s crushing on you too.”

Zayn blushes a little and I smile because me and Niall wanted them together forever now. I don’t say anything though, they’ll both realise their feelings after some time, anyways.

It makes me so happy, having all the people I care for here right with me. I could stay there for the whole day but after some time the other three boys come running to us, sweaty hair sticking to their foreheads and big smiles on their faces.

“Hello Daddy, hello Hazzie, hello Zayn, did you watch us? Liam sayed he can touch the sky if he swinged high enough but I don’t believe him”, he shouts all in one go, not taking a break to breathe.

We all grin and when Jonah comes running towards me and climbs on my lap to tell me about all the things he did, my heart beats strongly in my chest because maybe he loves me too.

“And then he climbed up the tree. Liam has many muscles because he goes to the gym. When I’m older he said he can take me with him.”

I grin down at Jonah who looks up at me excitedly, eyes glowing as if he had the best day ever.

“That’s so exciting, darling. I bet you’ll be even stronger than Liam one day.”

Liam comes walking to us now, having heard his name and looks at me outraged. “Excuse me, Harry? I am the strongest.”

Jonah quickly jumps from my lap and runs towards Liam.
“I am stronger than you”, he says and tries making Liam stumble backwards by pushing him a little.

“You sassy pants, got that from your daddy, didn’t you?” He picks him up and throws J over his shoulders who’s kicking and shouting, trying to slap Liam to get of his back.

Us others just watch in amusement before they get back, smiling even broader than before.

“Liam is stronger”, Jonah admits with a small smile, “But Hazzie bets I get more strong than him.”

I nod in agreement before lifting him up and tickling him until he begs for me to stop, snuggling his face into my neck and yawning quietly. “Bet you’re tired after such a day, aren’t you love?”

He nods against my shoulder and nuzzles up against it, arms wrapped around my neck.
"How about we get you home and daddy can read you your goodnight story?”

He nods again but then shakes his head. “You need to read it too. You can read the crocodile voice cause it sounds so funny. And daddy can read the pirate. Okay?”

He looks so hopeful and I never could have said no anyways so I nod quickly. “Of course that’s okay, love. Say your goodbyes to your cool uncles, will you?”

He nods and quickly looks up to shyly wave at Zayn, Niall and Liam. “Bye, bye”, he mumbles and then hides in my neck again.

“Bye, bye, Jonah”, the boys all say and smile at him fondly, “Hopefully we can meet again, soon.”

He nods happily, being to tired to talk anymore and then we part our ways and us three walk to Louis’ flat together.


Me and Louis sit down in the couch after we tugged Jonah in, me reading the crocodile and him the pirate.

Louis leans his head on my shoulder the way he always does and smiles up at me.

“He adores you, Harry.”
That makes me smile more than it should.

“Really”, Louis insists, “He’s never let anyone read his goodnight story before, he hated when I don’t do it. He doesn’t get on peoples arms except for when he really loves them and they way he calls you ‘Hazzie’, I just know he likes you already.”

I blush a little and snuggle closer to him. “I really adore him too, Louis. I never had a child in my life but I’ve always loved them. Jonah’s easy to love.”

He smiles. “That means so much, Harry, you don’t even know. Knowing that you’ll love him and he could love you too, it makes it easier to get to know you with the hope of getting into a relationship one day. I wouldn’t date someone that doesn’t get along with Jonah or the other way around, you know?”

I nod quickly. “I get it. I’m just glad you two are so easy to be with, that makes it so fucking easy for me, really. He said something really cute yesterday.”

Louis looks at me, waiting to tell him about yesterday and it makes me smile even more.

“He talked to the other kids about your accident and how I took care of him and when one of them asked if I was like his second daddy, he said I take care of him like his daddy but I’d only be his daddy if we were in love.”

Louis chuckles and there’s so much love in his eyes when I tell him about Jonah.

“Maybe you’ll be his second daddy one day if that’s the only condition, won’t you?”




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