12. Goodnight stories and boredom

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“Daddy”, Jonah shouts when we get back from school, hugging Louis tightly after climbing into his lap, “I missed you.”

“I missed you too, darling. I’ll stay here with you now, won’t be away anymore.” Jonah nods contently and cuddles a little closer to Louis on the couch.

“That’s good. Harry can do good pasta now. He got better because I showed him your secret ingredient.” Louis chuckles and kisses Jonah’s forehead, pulling him closer.

I watch them and smile before I head to the kitchen to cook some rice. I don’t know whether to stay here for a little longer, Louis probably still needs help with Jonah but I don’t want to annoy them either.

“Harry?”, Louis shouts form the living room after some time, “Can you come here for a second?” I put down the spoon and walk to the living room to sit down on the sofa next to him.

“I wanted to talk for a second. The doctors said I need to stay in bed for another two days, without any TV or occupation. I don’t know if it’s alright with you, but would you accompany Jonah to school for the next two days? I won’t have any trouble cooking, I’ll just order some take away but I can’t let him drive with the train alone yet.”

I nod and smile. “Of course I can. I’ll cook for you too, that’s not a problem, really. If you want me to and you don’t think it’s a burden I’ll come here after uni to cook and take care of Jonah at least until Friday.”

Louis quickly shakes his head. “First of all, you’d never be a burden and second, I can’t do that to you, you’re twenty two, you have better things to do than taking care of a five year old.”

I roll my eyes. “I’ll just do it, you won’t be able to do anything about it. You need to rest, Louis and Jonah is only five, he needs someone to take care of him.” Louis frowns, not really happy with the solution, I guess he doesn’t realize how much I like doing this, but I don’t reply. If he won’t take the help I’ll still do it.

He smiles happily and then he leans over to give me a quick hug, his arms around my back.
“Thanks, love”, he whispers into my neck and it makes me shiver a little.


“Alright, love, get into your pyjamas.” Jonah giggles when I ruffle through his hair and then pushes me away a little because of course I’m the cool uncle but I’m probably also the annoying one.

He slips into the grey pyjamas with colourful dinosaurs on them and happily explains all the different species names, behaviour and food.

“That’s really cool.” I nod and try putting the toothbrush into his hand while he won’t stop talking, “Now, J, brush your teeth and we’ll read your favourite story, alright?”

He nods again and while he brushes his teeth and says goodnight to Louis who’s still staying on the couch, I make his bed, collect his favourite stuffed animals from the floor and turn on the little lamp in shape of a cat on his nightstand.

“Harry, read me my story”,  he shouts and comes running into his room before he drops onto the bed. “I am so excited what happens next.”

I chuckle.  “You already know that, you clown. Come on, let’s get you comfortable.” He slips under the blanket and I tug it up to his chin while he wraps his tiny hand around Stacey.

I read the first chapter of his story and watch him trying to keep his eyes open, giggling over funny lines and gasping dramatically even though he’s probably read the book a hundred times already.

When I read the last few sentences, I can hear his breath getting more regular and feel his hand holding mine getting a little more lose.

Before he drifts of to sleep, he mumbles a quiet: “Goodnight, Hazzie”, and it makes my heart flutter with love.

I walk back into the living room, quiet in case Louis is already asleep but he lays there without doing anything, smiling tiredly when I enter the room.

“Hi, Harry, good thing you’re here, I’m dying of boredom.”
He chuckles and halfway hugs a pillow before I sit down next to him.

“Thanks for tugging him in”, he says, “I appreciate it a lot.”
I just shrug and smile, I don’t know how to deal with all his thank yous.

“I should probably sleep”, Louis mumbles, “Hey, it’s already late, if you want to stay here you can sleep in my bed, I’ll just take the couch.”

I shrug. “You should take the bed, I don’t want your head or leg to get worse because you’re sleeping on the couch but if you’d let me stay here, I’d appreciate it, I could get up later tomorrow as well.”

He nods quickly. “Of course you can. I’m sorry for putting all of this on you, Harry.” He tries to get up and groans when he can’t reach his crutches so I hand them to him and help him get up carefully
We walk to his room in silence, I accompany him in case he needs anything and help him get onto the bed.

“I feel so old”, Louis says and we both start laughing, “thanks for taking care of your granddad.” He chuckles and I cover him with the blanket so he doesn’t have to get up again.

“Goodnight Louis, sleep well.”
He smiles and whispers: “Sweet dreams, love”

And if that wasn’t already enough to make the butterflies appear again,  also takes my hand to pull me down a little and kisses my cheek quickly.

I blush and then quickly leave the room, softly closing the door behind me.

And when I lay down on the couch a little later, smiling happily, I still feel the skin on my cheek tingling.


have a good day<3

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