Chapter 1

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Abhorrent Islands

"None of the princesses or queens of the other lands find him agreeable, and if they do, he does not find them to be," The Second Advisor sighed. "We are running out of options."

"Well," The Youngest and Eleventh Advisor spoke. "We do have some royal families from the islands of the ocean that have yet t-"

"We will not contaminate the royal bloodline with those whose skin color is as dark as the trees in our forest! How dare you even bring it up." The Head Advisor scowled.

"That is exactly why we disposed of all those letters from them, they can never touch the throne as long as we are alive." The Tenth Advisor spoke.

"You continue to overstep boundaries and you will pay for it one day." The Eighth Advisor warned. "The king alone is to decline invitations and messages from others, not you, not me, or any one of us for that matter."

"You are correct my pupil," The Head Advisor smiled. "We do not answer for the king unless asked, but as his trusted Advisors our responsibility is to do what is best for him when he is not sure."

"Even if that means to kill someone," He continued, the Eighth and Eleventh Advisor shook their heads in disgust. "When that messenger boy comes back with the final message from that disgraceful island, he will be tried for stealing, and by sunrise tomorrow he will be dead."

The Eighth Advisor began to grind his teeth in fury, "If you are going to say that an island is a disgrace because of their dark skin, then were not your parents and grandparents dark-skinned too? Because of working in the fields?"

"Watch your tongue," The Tenth Advisor scolded. "Who are you to question him?"

The Eleventh Advisor unknowingly chuckled as he took a sip of his tea, "And who are you to question him? Are you not the Tenth, Advisor? I would think he would have more say as the Eighth Advisor than you do, no?"

Baffled, the Tenth Advisor turned to the Head, waiting for him to reprimand the young one. But the Head Advisor gave a small smile to the Eleventh and Eighth Advisors. He knew better than to continue picking an argument with them, for the King favored them more than anyone else besides his guards.

"You both have always shown to be one of the most compassionate and true of my people. So I will overlook your insensitive and blinded comments for these abhorrent islands."

"It is the island of Jamaica, not abhorrent." The Youngest advisor corrected with annoyance. "You keep making that disgusting statement about the skin color of Jamaicans, a statement full of ignorance! So besides that what exactly about Jamaicans is a disgrace?"

The advisors laughed out loud, "Let's start from the easiest of reasons, the name of the people is ridiculous! They couldn't have made a better name. I mean their country rhymes with American." The Tenth advisor snickered. "That's how weak they are, they copy other countries' names to look powerful."

"Yet didn't you name your beloved son after me." A deep and cold voice rang through the room.

The laughs in the room silenced and the smiles on everyone's faces dropped, except for The Eighth and Eleventh Advisor, for the first time that day, they cracked a smile.

Their King had arrived...

Everyone quickly sat on their knees and bowed, "Welcome your Majesty. And may you live for a lifetime and into the next one."

The king chuckled, "Your sweet words won't make me overlook your sour remarks."

Slowly the king pulled a blue letter out of his sleeve, and looked back out to the door he had entered, a few seconds later and a boy came walking in, a boy with tears in his eyes.

King & Kween Kang (The Rise Of Kang's #1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum