Chapter 8

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Mistaken Identity

Back in the main city of Joseon, located on the outskirts of the palace, it had become a hub for gossip and much movement of royal guards and officials. Men put up the last decorations on the roofs while the woman pestered them about how they were to be placed, and the children enjoyed laughing and giggling as none of the adults paid any attention to their mischief.

The day the Queen of Jamaica arrived in Korea, marked the beginning of the union of nations and the native Kings & her soon to be marriage.

Most of the newer generation were excited for the change and addition of foreign people, but many of the older and more elderly citizens  were wary. To them, nothing good came out of foreigners besides wars and death, it was mentality that was inculcated in to them from prior kings.

But with older generation dying off so where there mindsets, such mindsets like a little girl who should've been inside cleaning with her mother was out running with the other children. And so as she passed an elderly couple of woman, they stuck their noses up at her in discontent.

The little girl did not pay attention, however, instead she tried to catch up with bigger kids footsteps as they ran through the square.

"Wait! Brother! Wait!," She yelled as her brother and his friends weaved through the growing crowds.

Due to her size she found it easy to maneuver through the crowds as well, but when she finally broke free from the crowd, she was staring into down an alley leading to the homes of the villagers. She had lost her brother.

She looked behind her to see the crowds becoming bigger and louder, so she ran through the alleys hoping to meet up with her friends again.

But after several minutes she could not find them, and now she stood at the border of the village and the woods.

The woods were clear and had many paths of travel, but she knew better than to go in by herself. So she turned around and decided to head home.

Suddenly in the corner of her eyes she saw a dash of grey speed behind her. Struck with fear she froze and her ears tuned in to the sounds around her. That's when she heard footsteps, many footsteps.


A horse neighed loudly in the distance and then gallops came closer. Immediately the little girl hid near a bush hidden by shoots of bamboo.

She watch as a white horse came into view, and her eyes became round full of amazement. She had always dreamed to touch one, and today she saw a chance to fulfill that.

She looked for the rider, but they had already stepped down from the horse and typed its reigns to a tree.

And so her mission began, quietly she snuck through the bamboo and dashed across the open pathway right into taller bushes. Now the horse stood only stood several feet away, however, her eyes opened wide as she look behind the white horse.

There were tens of horses all with no riders, and few of them were staring at her. Without thinking she revealed herself as she ran towards the white horse, however, the horse did not take well to the sudden unknown girl.

In matter of seconds the horse was on its hind legs, neighing in alarm and all the horses followed.

The little girl in alarm and shock took a couple steps back, but a root held tripped her feet and she fell on her bottom. A silent scream left her lips as the horse came down to stomp on her.

But at the last possible moment, the horse was pushed to the side and the hooves hit the ground with a loud thump.

Both the horse and the girl turned to see who had saved her, and their stood Queen Asora.

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