Chapter 33

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After the tense meeting, King Taehan followed Queen Asora out of the war room, but he was stopped by her wisemen and his advisors who expressed their concerns about her decision to step down as queen. They emphasized the importance of her role and the need for stability and certainty in these trying times. The king nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation, and he decided to have a private conversation with his wife.

Following Asora into her room, he found her hunched over a table, pulling out a map and marking the location of the battle and the recommended daily ship watch checks. She was determined to ensure her people's safety, but her recent decision weighed heavily on her.

The king quietly shut the door and watched his wife for a moment, unsure where to start. Without looking up, Asora stated firmly, "I don't want to talk about me stepping down."

With a hint of frustration, the king approached her, "I understand you're hurt, both physically and emotionally, and you're worried for your people," he began. "But they don't need the uncertainty of their Queen at this moment. What you said about you stepping down was a selfish way of thinking in that moment."

The word "selfish" struck a nerve with Asora. She raised her bandaged, burned hands, a reminder of her heroic efforts to save the baby during the shipwreck. "Selfish?" she raised her voice. "If I was selfish I wouldn't have helped my people today."

Taehan took a step closer, trying to remain patient. "They look to you for help, for support, strength, and certainty," he said. "You can't let your negativity get to them."

She retorted, "I don't need you to tell me how to run my country."

Ignoring her comment, the king continued, "If you want to voice your concerns, come to me, but don't make such reckless statements in front of your people."

She didn't take his words kindly, standing chest to chest with him, a fierce look in her eyes as she snarled, "I am not reckless, and I am not selfish."

Taehan countered, "No, but you're acting like a brat and like a child."

Asora froze and her voice quivered with emotion as she looked at her husband and, with a mixture of anger and frustration, she said, "Just leave, Taehan. I need some space right now."

Despite her words, King Taehan understood that this was a pivotal moment for his wife, and he saw past her frustration.

Despite being told to leave, he carefully approached her and spoke in a soft, soothing tone, "Asora, I understand that you're going through a tough time, and you do need some space. But I can't just leave you like this."

Queen Asora's anger flared, her frustration manifesting as she tried to push King Taehan out of the room. She cursed his tallness and strength, her emotions running high as she grappled with the turmoil inside her. But despite her attempts, the king refused to leave, realizing that this was a moment when his wife needed him the most.

After a few persistent pushes from Asora, Taehan carefully restricted her arms, preventing her from causing harm to herself or others. With gentle but firm guidance, he pulled her to the bed where he wrapped his arms and legs around her, holding her close. She growled and demanded that he let go, but he remained steadfast. For a while, the room was filled with the sounds of her struggles, but eventually, Asora stopped and just lay against his chest.

However, he noticed that his shirt was wet, and it became clear that her anguish was too much to contain. A deep, broken sob rang out, echoing in the room.

Amidst her sobs, Asora managed to speak. Her voice was shaky as she revealed the haunting images that tormented her, "I've never cried like this... it's the bodies I keep seeing... and the smell of burnt flesh." She paused, stuttering over the word "family," before continuing, "My family... died by fire."

With a trembling voice, she continued, "The smell of burnt flesh today reminded me of that day. I've tried so hard to ignore it, to forget, but now I felt like I had relived it all over again."

The deep trauma she had carried from her family's tragic loss had resurfaced. It was a wound that had remained hidden in the depths of her heart, and the recent events had reopened it, causing her to confront her past in the most painful way.

King Taehan's eyes widened as he processed the revelation. His own eyes became teary, not only because of the grief and sorrow over the day's deaths but mainly because of the profound pain he could see in his wife.

Asora's sobs began to subside as King Taehan gently kissed her, his lips soft and comforting. Afterward, he spoke with a sorrowful tone, "I'm so sorry, my love. I wish it had been me who jumped on that boat to rescue the babies. I wish you hadn't seen such turmoil."

In that moment, he realized just how new and unaccustomed she was to the profound losses that could come with her role as queen. Her experience on that fateful day had been a stark reminder of the harsh realities she faced as a leader, and it was clear that the weight of those experiences had taken a toll on her.

With every tear she shed, was a life the King would take for hurting her. King Taehan's desire for retribution burned with intensity. He wanted justice, not only for the attack on their kingdom but also for the pain his beloved queen had experienced. The thought of those responsible facing the consequences weighed heavily on his mind, and he was resolute in making their enemies pay for the anguish they had inflicted upon her.

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