Chapter 7

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First Impressions

King Tae-Hans soldiers were waiting at the port, watching as foreign ships began to drop their anchors. In their minds, they knew this Queen would either be the key to their countries growth or the flames for war. It left them both jittery and antsy.

The King of Joseon had done his best to educate all his soldiers about his future wife's country and people. So when the soldiers watch as people began to unload cargo from the ships, most of the soldiers remained neutral in their expressions. However, for those who had never seen a foreigner before, their eyes lit up with fascination. Others were slightly wary of the varying colored people.

But some soldiers weren't paying attention to that, there eyes we're looking at the ship in the middle of six ships, it was the biggest compared to the rest, yet it was the last to unload. As a matter of fact, no one had even left the ship.

But King Tae-Hans General, Ki-Yong, knew better. This ship was not just a cargo ship but rather the ship that the Queen was aboard. With a swift gesture of his hands, he began to walk towards the dock and six of his trusted men followed, while the rest of the soldiers waited for orders.

Every Jamaican froze in their spots, the natives were moving towards the Queens ship. Not once had the people acknowledged the native people... but now all eyes were turned to the small entourage walking to her ship.

Ki-Yong stopped a few feet before the end of the dock, looking up to the ship where a pale man with blue eyes and a black man with black eyes appeared, and had begun to lift a bridge over the rail of the ship.

Immediately three of Ki-Yongs men lifted their hands, pulling the bridge towards them before tying it to the dock.

However, neither the pale man or black man moved from their spot instead they looked back further into the ship.

Loud footsteps were heard coming closer to the edge of the ship...

Ki-Yong knew it wasn't a woman walking, but rather a man, but when he saw the man come into view, his eyebrows raised in shock.

A man that looked like him, like his people, was looking back down at him, Ki-Yong watched as this man walked down the bridge towards him.

The man bowed before sticking his hand out towards Ki-Yong, quickly all the soldiers in the dock bowed and Ki-Yong grabbed the foreign man's forearm.

Although perplexed by the motion, the man followed suit and gently shook Ki-Yongs forearm like a handshake, "My name is Tae-Jeong. I am one of the wiseman to the Queen of Jamaica, my home country. And who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?" Tae-Jeong said politely in Korean.

Ki-Yong let go of Tae-Jeongs forearm and bowed slightly, before standing upright. "I am Ki-Yong. The General of Joseon or as you may call it Korea, and this is my home country."

It was Tae-Jeongs turn to look both puzzled and alarmed. He didn't like the idea of the General meeting the Queen before the King did, it was rather unsettling, "The General? Shouldn't you be by your king? Protecting him."

Ki-Yong didn't know whether his questions were insults or just genuine questions, so he decided to answer calmly, "My King has plenty of protection. I am here to protect your Queen who is to be our future one. Will this be a problem?"

"No, it will not."

Ki-Yongs heart doubled in pace as he heard one of the softest voices in his short lifetime, he without thinking, side-stepped Tae-Jeong and their in her glory was Queen Asora, smiling. And almost like earth had agreed, a soft wind blew from behind her, while the sun brightened. She looked like she was glowing from head to toe, her tiara made it seem like she had a small halo over her head.

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