Chapter 15

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Oh Lawd

The King and Queen were now in their respective chambers, preparing for the first celebration of the union between their nations. They were both in high spirits, which seemed unusual to the advisors who caught glimpses of the King's wide smile that lasted for more than a minute. The Keepers and Wisewoman Lydia also noticed a change in the Queen, as she hummed and giggled more than usual.

Exiting the Queen's Chamber, Wisewoman Lydia motioned for the rest of the Wisemen to follow her down the hallway where their conversation wouldn't reach the Queen's ears. Unbeknownst to them, the courtyard doors were just a few feet away.

"She is humming, fully hum-ming," Lydia emphasized, halting in the hallway.

"Is it a problem that she hums?" Advisor Judias mocked. "Aren't you women supposed to hum and smell the daisies?"

Lydia scowled. "Keep up your insolence, or I'll rearrange your thoughts for you."

Wiseman Hugh chuckled, attempting to defuse the situation. "Can you two please behave?" The bickering advisors glared at each other and then huffed, looking away.

"But seriously," Tae-Jeong interjected, seeking clarification. "What's the concern with her humming?"

Wisewoman Lydia scoffed. "Throughout all your time as wisemen, have any of you ever seen the Queen hum or sing to herself?"

They all paused to consider before shaking their heads. "Never," Tae-Jeong admitted.

Japh, one of the Wisemen, disagreed and began signing rapidly, "She sings with the young children whenever she visits the orphanage. I've observed her a few times, and it's truly beautiful to see how she interacts with them, full of love and tenderness. She will be a wonderful mother when the time comes."

"Love and tenderness," Lydia repeated slowly. "But today, it seemed like there was something more. She looked as though she was in love."

Wiseman Hugh finally grasped Lydia's implication. "Are you suggesting something happened between King Tae-Han and Queen Asora?" he asked, slightly shocked at the thought of his niece having already allowed any intimacy.

Wisewoman Lydia sighed. "I don't know for certain, but whatever it is, she is undeniably happy."

"It's not necessarily a bad thing," Wiseman Tae-Jeong chimed in. "The sooner she begins to develop feelings for him, the more secure our prospects of achieving both peace and a strong alliance."

Wiseman Japh shook his head in disagreement once again. "Men can be manipulative too. The Queen doesn't know if the King genuinely cares for her. He could be feigning affection to make her succumb to his advances and further his own agenda."

"Do you really think the Queen is that naive?" Judias asked, his tone more concerned than dismissive. He had observed the Queen closely and knew her to be far from naive. "She may appear bashful to remain humble, but she possesses wisdom."

"Actually," Wiseman Hugh interjected, drawing the attention of the group. "She has never courted anyone before."

"What?" All the wisemen exclaimed simultaneously.

Wisewoman Lydia's cheeks flushed bright red. "You should have informed us of that, told me!" Lydia stepped closer to Hugh, speaking in a hushed voice. "I knew she was a virgin, but she has never even been courted? Does she have any understanding of intimacy? The desires that both she and the King may feel for each other? Does she comprehend any of it?!"

The men in the group blushed, their embarrassment evident, except for Wiseman Hugh, who rubbed his face in frustration. "I'm not entirely sure," he confessed wearily. "You know the Queen has led a solitary life for so long..."

"Oh, lawd," Wisewoman Lydia exclaimed, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "We need to speak with her. She must not engage in any intimacy with the King until after their marriage! Does no one understand the gravity of this situation? We will be in serious trouble if she falls for his charms or any seductive tactics. King Tae-Han could make false claims, alleging that she threw herself at him or something equally absurd."

All the wisemen nodded in agreement. "Well," Wiseman Japh spoke up, "it seems like this is a task for both Lydia and Hugh."

"Why me?" Wiseman Hugh questioned. "She's a woman. Shouldn't you be the one to address this topic of intimacy with her?"

Lydia rolled her eyes, frustration evident on her face. "You are her blood, her only living family. If I broach this subject with her, she may perceive it as advice coming from a Wisewoman rather than a friend or someone who genuinely cares about her. You know how the heart can deceive us when we are in love or infatuated. With you present, she may be more inclined to listen and consider the implications of her actions."

Wisemen Hugh sighed, "Well can you at least call me in when you're done with the whole intimacy conversation? I'll join after."

"No," Wisewomen Lydia scowled. "You are a man, it takes both female and male to be intimate. So you'll explain to her the male part."

"No, I will not!" Hugh rejected. "That is my niece I will not tell her about the male's passionate thoughts or needs!"

"You expect me to talk to her about this alone?!" Lydia's voice began to rise.

"Yes," The men said in unison.

Lydia scowled, "You are all cowards!" Quietly, she stomped away, but instead of going straight down the hallway to the Queen's chamber, she took a left heading down the main hallway. "If you don't want to, I won't either."

The wisemen looked at each other, "Not it."

Wisemen Hugh let out a frustrated sigh, "Fine." and ran after Wisewomen Lydia. He caught up to her just as she was about to turn a corner.

"Wait, Lydia," he called out, trying to catch his breath. "Let's not argue about this. We need to handle the situation together."

Lydia stopped in her tracks but didn't turn around to face him. "I thought you didn't want to be a part of this conversation," she replied, her voice tinged with annoyance.

Hugh walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, gently turning her to face him. "I may not be comfortable with it, but I understand the importance of discussing this with Asora. We can't afford to leave her in the dark, especially if there's a risk of manipulation or misunderstanding between her and the king."

Lydia looked into his eyes, searching for any hint of hesitation or reluctance. Finding none, she nodded slowly. "Alright, we'll do it together. But we have to be careful with our approach. We don't want to embarrass or overwhelm her."

Hugh nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We'll approach it with sensitivity and provide her with the information she needs to make informed decisions. We should emphasize the importance of waiting until after their marriage."

With their plan set, the two of them made their way towards the Queen's chamber. They walked in silence, contemplating the delicate conversation that awaited them. As they reached the doors, Lydia took a deep breath and whispered, "Let's ensure that she understands the weight of her choices and the potential consequences."

Hugh placed a reassuring hand on her arm. "We'll guide her through this, Lydia. We'll protect her and help her make the best decisions for herself and our people."

With renewed determination, they headed towards the Queen's chamber, it was their responsibility to provide her with the knowledge and support she needed during this critical time, and they were resolved to fulfill that duty to the best of their abilities.

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