Chapter 4

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White or Red?

"Two letters of marriage in two days?! This is a trap!" Wisemen Judias exclaimed.

"I have to agree with Judias on this, while you have great qualities my Queen, and will be a great future wife. I do not feel this is just coincidence," Wisemen Tae-Jeong said.

"But this letter may not be a trap," Wisewomen Lydia said as she tapped the white envelope on the round mahogany desk.

"Why is that?" Queen Asora asked as she continued to walk around the round table. "Why not the red one?"

Everyone's eyes turned to the red envelope that sat the furthest away from them while the white envelope sat nearer to them. Wisemen Japh began to sign with great speed while Wisemen Hugh translated. "Red can mean many things, hatred, love, war, anger, this is just to name a few. So while the person who sent this could've meant no harm, we know this is not true. The King of Spain has always been a man of mystery, however, he is rumored to have much debt. And it was reported that he may have been a part of that barbaric slave deal, that King Badrick turned a blind eye to. So to me, that love note is dressed in blood, he wants something from you."

"I have to agree," Wisemen Armon added. "And no offense, your majesty, but I highly doubt he would choose a darker-skinned woman over a white one. Spain is a land full of Spaniards and Whites, rarely Blacks. I feel he would treat you as inferior to the Queen you are."

Wisewomen Lydia side-eyed Armon, "While you may be right, I do not like to hear such words. And I hope you do know Queen Asora, that any white man or even woman in Jamaica would treat you as an equal partner and friend."

Queen Asora smiled, "I appreciate your kind words, Wisemen Lydia. And you are right most white men and women here are respectful and kind, but that is because they are Jamaicans. Each Jamaican has been taught from their youth that no matter the color of their skin, if you are born here, you are a part of our people, and whether your skin is colored or not you are to be treated equally to everyone else. This is why Wisemen Armon's comment is valid as well. We all know how Spain and its allies treat those who are not fair-skinned. So why would the King of Spain choose me? It does not make any sense at all."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, "So what about the white envelope then?" Wisemen Judias asked. "White can mean purity and peace. However, when one raises a white flag, it often means the weaker party requests negotiation of some sort or to possibly surrender."

Wisemen Tae-Jeong snorted earning a playful glare from Queen Asora, "Forgive me, Your Majesty," He coughed before sitting straighter. "I just find it very humorous that the king of Joseon or as we call it Korea, is surrendering anything. That man is known to be greedy, unyielding, and sometimes even ignorant."

Queen Asora's eyebrows rose in curiosity, "What do you mean?"

"My grandparents are originally from the country of Korea, before coming to Jamaica. Before they passed away they warned my parents to never go back, for that kingdom was corrupt and as strong-willed as a tiger," Wisemen Tae-Jeong explained. "From the letters, my mother still gets from her cousins, the newest king's stubbornness and unmercifulness are worst than all the previous kings. It is rumored that the King intentionally has allowed Korea not to advance as we or the other western countries have in mannerisms and trends."

"Well if that's the case then," Wisemen Hugh sighed. "Then the white envelope is no better than the red one. It's like a wolf dressed as a sheep."

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