Chapter 37

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The sun dipped low on the horizon as Queen Asora stood at the edge of the bustling docks, surrounded by her people. The air was filled with a mixture of emotions - a bittersweet symphony of farewells and hopes for a safe return. Her wisemen, adorned in regal attire, gathered around her, ready to embark on the journey to King Taehan's kingdom in Korea.

As the time to depart neared, Judias, one of the wisemen, approached the queen with a determined expression. "Your Majesty," he began, "I've decided to stay behind for a while. I want to ensure the safety of our homeland in your absence."

Surprised, Asora raised an eyebrow. "Why, Judias? You've been a loyal advisor, and your presence would be missed."

Judias smiled, "My queen, Jamaica is my home too. I wish to safeguard it. Rest assured, I'll keep a watchful eye."

The queen's lips curled into a gentle smile. "Your dedication is admirable, Judias. I appreciate your commitment to our land."

He nervously admitted, "I even had people reporting back to me during your absence when you were in Korea, just to keep an eye on things."

Amused, Asora cocked an eyebrow. "Separate reports, Judias? Are you doubting the capabilities of our other advisors?" Or me, she thought.

Judias, slightly flustered, stammered, "N-no, Your Majesty. Just a precaution, to double-check everything."

The Queen couldn't help but laugh, "Well, make sure I get to see those reports as well. I wouldn't want any secrets kept from me."

Judias nodded, "Of course, Your Majesty. I'll ensure transparency."

Asora gave him a kiss on the cheek before moving on to say goodbye to others.

Amidst the chuckles, and even more hugs, kisses, and heartfelt goodbyes, Queen Asora, along with her husband, wisemen and advisors, finally boarded the waiting ships. As they set sail, the people of both Jamaica and Joseon waved farewell, their eyes lingering on the disappearing shores until the vibrant island was nothing more than a distant silhouette beyond the horizon.

On the other side of the pond, in Britain, woman's piercing screams cut through the air a ship crashed into the decks, but then there was an outcry, lifeless bodies laid against the edge of the boat and some hung ominously from the rigging, a grim testament to the horrors that had transpired at sea.

King Charles's fury knew no bounds as he received the grim reports. His brows furrowed in disgust as he listened to the soldier's account of the ships' grim cargo. "They were the only two ships that made it?" he growled, his voice heavy with disdain.

"Yes, my King." The general reported. "And they reek of sickness and death."

With a wave of his hand, Charles ordered the sick to be disposed of without hesitation. To him, they were nothing more than burdens, useless in their affliction. "Dispose of them," he commanded coldly, his eyes ablaze with fury. "They are of no use to us."

But Charles's wrath was not solely directed at the unfortunate souls aboard the ships. His thoughts turned to Queen Asora of Jamaica, whom he perceived as a thorn in his side. With a cruel smirk, he outlined his plan to strike back at her perceived arrogance. "That Nigger from Jamaica," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "She thinks her victories give her the right to prance around as if she owns the world. But I have a surprise in store for her."

He leaned in closer to his advisors, his voice low and dangerous. "We have men infiltrating ships bound for Korea," he said, his eyes glinting with malice. "Once they arrive, I want them to burn Korea to the ground. And then, get those other slanted eye cousins of there's from the North involved too."

The general tried to reason with the King, but he wouldn't have it. "I don't care if China takes control of Korea, the enemy of my enemy is a friend. We will help the Chinese as long as they can rid of that Nigga or that blasted King Taehan," King Charles spat. "What a disappointment. He was such a Cold King before her, I admired his cruelty, now he has become soft all because of that Negra, but it is okay. They will die together in the end."

"As you wish my king," The general said expressionless and as he turned around to leave the king stopped him.

"And tell our 'Iscariot' to begin his process," he ordered, his tone filled with venomous intent. "Just as the biblical Iscariot betrayed, so too shall ours betray."

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