Chapter 32

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Stepping Down

Before the Queen was to meet with the her counsel and seamen, she like the rest of them needed to address their wounds and freshen up. Her husband waited in their room while she washed her hair and body of all dirt and grime. As she exited the bathroom, a towel was gently wrapped around her thanks to Wisewomen Lydia and her doctor who helped wrap her burned hands.

As they left Tae-Han gently placed his hand on her lower back toward their bed, where Queen quietly sat on the bed.

Without hesitation, the King grabbed for her oils and began to rub it into her legs and skin. Usually, the Queen would shiver feeling the coolness of her husband against her warm skin. Yet now she stared at him with hollow eyes.

King Taehan watched his wife, his heart heavy with concern the room was filled with a palpable silence, broken when he noticed the tears falling onto her thighs.

He knew that the events of the day had left a profound impact on her, and he understood that she needed time to process it all. He couldn't bear to see her in such a state, but he also knew better than to push her into talking before she was ready.

Once she was dressed, Taehan leaned in, intending to give her a loving kiss on her lips, but she turned her head ever so slightly, and his lips met on her cheek instead. It was a subtle rejection, but it stung nonetheless. He watched her silently as she cleared her throat and looked up at him passively with cold eyes.

"Taehan, I need some time alone for now," she said softly. "Please, don't come to the war room."

He nodded, understanding her need for solitude but also feeling a deep sense of hurt at being shut out. As she turned to leave, he couldn't bear to let her go without addressing the growing emotional distance he was starting to see. With a mix of frustration and tenderness, he reached out and circle her waist doing his best to avoid her injuries.

Turning her towards him, Taehan lifted her chin with a gentle touch and looked deeply into her eyes. The dim light in the room reflected the weariness in her gaze. "Asora," he began, his voice pleading with pain, "I can see that you're hurt and carrying a heavy load, and I want you to know that you don't have to carry it alone. This is your country, yes, but it's also my home, away from home. We've faced challenges together before, and we can face this one together. So don't shut me out. Let me share this burden with you."

Her eyes met his, and she seemed to waver for a moment. The room was now filled with the scent of the oils he had applied to her skin, and the soft rustle of her dress as she shifted on her feet. Slowly, she nodded her head, and laid her head on his chest.

With a silent understanding, they made their way to the War Room, Tae-Hans hands never once leaving her waist. The War Room was really a briefing room that the Queen has normal meetings at but today where she had convened countless meetings now felt different as the air carried the weight of the day's tragedy.

As Queen Asora entered the Room, her Seaman, Wisemen, and the King's Advisors (who were proud to be invited to this meeting) rose to their feet in a show of respect. Her presence commanded attention and respect, a testament to her leadership. Asora wasted no time; she let go of her husband's hand and went directly to each seaman, embracing them where she could while assessing their injuries with a skilled eye, for every injury she asked if they needed more medical help, or if their families needed anything.

Even though King Taehan and his personal advisors knew of her genuine care for her people, they couldn't help but be amazed by how deeply she connected with each Seamsm. Her love and concern for them were evident in every gesture, every touch as she looked over their injuries.

Asora finally rounded the table and gracefully took her throne-like seat, a symbol of her authority. And one by one, everyone in the room followed suit, taking their respective seats.The room settled into a tense silence as they awaited the queen's word.

Queen Asora took a deep breath, her eyes filled with a mix of determination and uncertainty. "I appreciate your unwavering support," she began, addressing her Seamen, "and I promise to avenge our fallen comrades and protect our people. But I must admit that I'm not sure if I can continue to be the Queen that you all deserve."

Her words hung in the air, the room was filled with stunned silence, and evryone, even her husband, King Taehan, was taken aback. They had never discussed the possibility of her stepping down as queen, but he decided to wait for a more appropriate moment to talk to her about it privately.

One of the seamen stood, his voice firm and unwavering. "My Queen, we understand the gravity of the situation, but we also understand that mistakes happen, even to the best of us. We believe in your leadership, and we're willing to stand with you to face this threat head-on. We have faith in your ability to protect our kingdom."

Again the room fell silent for a moment before she pressed on. "I appreciate that, I truly do. But for now, we must focus on the matter at hand. Tell me, what did you see out at sea when the British attacked?"

After a few moments another seamen spoke up,  ready to recount their harrowing experience. "It was five British ships against three of ours," he reported. "We managed to take down two of their ships, but we were soon overpowered. That's when another three ships appeared on the horizon."

A young seaman, whose eyes shone with a glimmer of knowledge and sharpness, added, "I remember learning about different flags in school, and I'm almost certain those were Spanish flags on the new ships. The Spaniards started fighting against the British, taking down another ship, which allowed us to escape. They even went onto follow after the British ships."

Asora exchanged a shocked glance with her husband. She knew that the Spanish king had warned her of the possibility of the attack, but she couldn't believe that he had sent ships to aid them in their defense. However, King Taehan's expression turned sour, and he voiced the question that had begun to gnaw at them all. "How did the Spanish king know at the exact time of this battle?"

Asora tried her best not to entertain the thought that she had been betrayed. She looked at her husband with a furrowed brow and replied, "I don't know, but I will write to the Spanish king to seek an explanation and clarification. In the meantime, let's continue going over what you all saw."

As the Queen listened her brain began to spin like a hurricane, she knew that the answers she needed laid beyond their shores, and she was determined to uncover the truth and protect her people at any cost.

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