Chapter 28

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My Heart Is Set

As the ship glided away from the bustling port, King Tae-Han stood tall on the deck, his regal bearing giving no hint of the turmoil that churned within him. He waved goodbye to the crowd gathered on the shores of Korea, his people who had always been the foundation of his strength and resolve. Among them were his trusted General, a seasoned warrior whose loyalty knew no bounds, and his wise Advisor Do Joon, who had helped him through the many intricacies of ruling the kingdom.

But despite the facade of composure, Queen Asora could sense the sadness that clung to her husband's heart. She observed him from a distance, her eyes brimming with concern. It was their love that had blossomed amidst the responsibilities of the crown, and she knew the weight he carried as a ruler weighed heavily upon him now.

Unable to contain her worries any longer, Queen Asora stepped forward, her delicate footsteps barely audible against the rhythmic creaking of the ship. With a gentle touch, she wrapped her arms around his waist, a silent signal of her support. Feeling her warmth, he turned to face her, a faint smile trying to mask his emotions.

"My love, are you sure about this?" Queen Asora asked her voice a tender whisper that only they could hear. "If you wish to return, I will understand. I won't resent you for your decision."

In that fleeting moment, King Tae-Han appreciated the depth of Queen Asora's love, a love that allowed him the freedom to choose. He understood the enormity of his choice and the consequences that could possibly follow, but he also recognized the potential of this new endeavor.

He gently embraced Queen Asora, her presence offering solace amidst the uncertainty. "Thank you, my dear Asora," he said softly, his voice tinged with both love and sadness. "You are always so understanding.

Queen Asora grinned but internally she wrestled with a mixture of emotions. While she wanted nothing more than to see her beloved husband happy, she couldn't help but wish that he would stand firm in his decision to explore new horizons. It wasn't just her desire for Jamaica's prosperity that fueled this hope; it was also her wish to see King Tae-Han find fulfillment in a cause beyond the walls of their kingdom.

Almost as if he heard her worry, he drew a deep breath and gazed out at the vast expanse of the sea before looking down at Queen Asora. "But my heart is set, my love. I really do want to focus on helping you and your country Jamaica."

A mixture of emotions surged within Queen Asora—pride in her husband's noble intentions, but also a lingering sense of trepidation for the uncertain path ahead. She knew that their journey would be fraught with challenges, but she also knew that with their love and unity, they could overcome much.

With a resolve that matched King Tae-Han's, Queen Asora smiled bravely, intertwining her fingers with his. "Remember, no matter what lies ahead, I am by your side."

As the ship sailed into the horizon, the royal couple stood together, their hearts united in their quest to forge a brighter future for both Korea and Jamaica.

Over the next several days on the ship, King Tae-Han became increasingly acclimated to Queen Asora, her people, and their culture. He spent time interacting with the Jamaican crew members and diplomats, engaging in conversations, and learning more about their traditions and way of life. The crew members warmly welcome him into their midst, and their camaraderie made him feel more at home. They shared stories, music, and laughter, bridging the gap between their cultures.

As King Tae-Han spent more time with Queen Asora, he became enamored by her grace, intelligence, and compassion. He witnessed more than ever before her dedication to her country and her people, and his admiration grew for her with each passing day. The royal couple spent hours together, discussing matters of state, sharing personal anecdotes, and simply getting to know each other on a deeper level.

On the tenth day, the night wrapped its comforting embrace around the ship, King Tae-Han, and Queen Asora found themselves in the privacy of their master cabin. The gentle sway of the vessel, coupled with the soft glow of candlelight, created an atmosphere of serenity and intimacy. They lay side by side, their fingers gently intertwined, a testament to the profound connection that had blossomed between them.

Feeling a surge of affection, King Tae-Han drew Queen Asora closer into his arms, savoring the warmth of her presence and the smell of shea butter which he was absolutely obsessed with. In the safety of each other's embrace, they allowed themselves to be vulnerable, their hearts open to the emotions that had been growing between them.

With a tender touch, King Tae-Han pressed a gentle kiss to Queen Asora's neck, a gesture that carried more than just physical affection. In that intimate moment, he sensed her shudder, a clear reflection of the depth of their emotional bond. He understood that the journey they had embarked upon was not merely a physical one; it was a voyage of the heart, where they had willingly intertwined their lives and destinies.

In a soft and sincere voice, King Tae-Han began to express his gratitude again, his words a heartfelt acknowledgment of the immense trust and patience Queen Asora had shown in bringing him to Jamaica. He admitted to the challenges he had faced in leaving his homeland, a place that had shaped him as a man and a ruler, but he reassured her that he was willing to embrace this new role for the greater good.

"I know I tell you every day, but my love, I am grateful beyond words for the strength you have shown me," he said, his eyes reflecting the sincerity of his feelings. "Leaving Joseon behind was not an easy decision, but you have made this journey worthwhile. Your support and love have given me the courage to embrace this new chapter, and I promise to stand by your side more than ever before as we work to strengthen the ties between our nations."

With a tender smile, King Tae-Han pulled Queen Asora tighter into his arms, allowing her warm body to act as a furnace for him. Her head rested against his shoulder, finding comfort and security in his embrace. His arms wrapped protectively around her, and he pressed another soft kiss to her forehead.

"Goodnight Asora," he whispered. 

Queen Asora's heart swelled as she looked up at him, her eyes reflecting the same affection that he showered upon her.

"Goodnight Han," she replied softly, her fingers tracing a gentle path across his cheek. "I love you very much."

King Tae-Han leaned down and tenderly kissed Queen Asora's lips, sealing their affection for one another in that fleeting moment.

Her lips were soft, almost silken, and pillowy against his own. He could feel the soft tickle of her breath beneath his nose, and his fingers carding through her hair as they breathed each other in. Tae-Han's hands slipped down the smooth curve of Asora's sides to rest on her hips as he drew her hips to his.

He then dragged his lips down to the soft skin of her neck before gently nipping her ear lobe, her shivers locking her muscles tight. And a bolt of tantalizing heat shot down her center. A moan left her lips before she hid herself in her husband's neck. 

"Han," She whispered. "Either we go to sleep or you stop teasing."

The King laughed, "Let's go to sleep." But with a smirk, he brought his lips to her ears. "I only say this because I refuse to have anyone hear your moans, those are for me. For me alone."

The Queen blushed before turning her back to him, "You are so primitive and embarrassing."

"But you like it though," The King smiled as he pulled her body back to him, and playfully pinched her butt. And with another kiss on her neck and lips, they slowly fell asleep with smiles wide on their faces.

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