Chapter 17

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Let's Talk Alliances

In the days to come King Tae-Han and Queen Asora, they would walk through the villages and introduce each other's people and officials to each other. On other days, the King and Queen would sit at the round war table in the other palace where the Advisors, Wisemen, and Generals lived. There they began to talk about their allies and enemies, coming to a common consensus of who would remain allies or not, and which countries they would have to be careful of because either the King or Queen were not on good terms with the country. 

But one day the King wished to switch up the Queen and his schedule, she had been here for almost a month now, and she had yet to meet his family. Before meeting the Queen he had sent them away just in case things went bad, but in just a few days of Asoras arrival he knew his mother and sister would adore them, so he sent for them to come back and any day now they would be here. 

In the meantime, he wished to have her explore more the kingdom with her. King Tae-Han and Queen Asora found themselves in a serene garden, surrounded by lush greenery and vibrant flowers. The setting provided a tranquil backdrop for their private conversation about the alliance between their kingdoms to continue.

Tae-Han, dressed in traditional attire that reflected his native heritage, looked at Asora with a mixture of admiration and curiosity. He appreciated her grace and intelligence, recognizing the significance of their union beyond political boundaries.

Asora, unaware of his staring remained intrigued by the cultural richness of Tae-Han's kingdom and looked around the garden with wonder. She found herself drawn to the vibrant colors and the intricate symbolism displayed in the natural elements surrounding them.

"Your kingdom holds so much beauty, King Tae-Han," Asora said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "The customs and traditions of your people are fascinating."

Tae-Han smiled warmly, appreciating Asora's interest. "Thank you, Queen Asora. And to your people and culture as well, while our ways may be different at times, there is much we can learn from one another. It is an opportunity for cultural exchange and mutual growth."

Asora nodded, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "I couldn't agree more, King Tae-," Asora stopped in her tracts. "Do you mind if I call you by your name, and you can call me by name? I don't think we need to be so formal by ourselves, do you?"

King Tae-Han chuckled and shook his head, "I do not, Asora."

The Queen felt her blush start to warm up so she looked straight ahead and began to walk ahead and continue talking, "Our kingdoms have distinct histories and traditions, and through this alliance, we can celebrate our differences while finding common ground..."

The King couldn't help but smirk at the Queen, while she could be brave and courageous, in moments like these her innocence was amusing to him.

As they spoke, they encountered their Advisors and Wisemen, who were also their chaperones, engaged in lively conversations of their own.

They smiled at the entourage before continuing their conversation which further talked about the challenges they anticipated in merging their cultures and forging a strong alliance. They discussed the importance of understanding each other's customs, beliefs, and societal structures to foster harmony and respect.

"Asora," Tae-Han began, Asora did her best not to shudder. "I've actually learned a lot from you being here already, how crucial it is that I listen to the voices of my people, better yet, both yours and mine, to ensure that their needs and aspirations are met."

Asora nodded in agreement. "And I hope I can learn much from you as well, despite being new to this life as your, well, future Queen."

Tae-Han extended his hand toward Asora, a gesture of solidarity, unity, and support. "Asora, you will always be a Queen to me. And I promise to bridge the gaps between our cultures, foster understanding, and build a future of prosperity for our kingdoms and our people."

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