Chapter 35

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As the echo of Asora's command resonated across the decks of the ships, the crew sprang into action. The rhythmic clatter of boots on the wooden planks filled the air, and the sound of orders being barked mingled with the creaking of sails being unfurled. The alliance of Spanish, Korean, and Jamaican fleets moved with synchronized precision, a testament to the strategic collaboration forged in the war room.

The horizon, once a tranquil expanse of ocean, now transformed into a theater of impending conflict. The British fleet, steadily advancing, revealed the formidable force that Queen Asora and her allies were about to confront. The tension on the decks was palpable, yet the unity among the crews radiated a sense of collective strength.

Admiral Hernandez, standing beside Asora, observed the approaching enemy through a spyglass. His weathered face remained stoic, a reflection of years spent navigating the treacherous waters of naval warfare. "Prepare for engagement," he ordered, his voice cutting through the commotion on the flagship.

As the ships closed in, the sea breeze carried with it the distant sounds of the British fleet—creaking timbers, the flapping of sails, and the rhythmic beat of war drums. The tension escalated with each passing moment, anticipation building like a storm on the horizon.

In the heart of the flagship, Asora stood with Taehan at her side, their hands clasped in silent solidarity. The air crackled with charged energy as the two nations prepared to meet the imminent threat head-on. The sun, now fully risen, cast a warm glow upon the decks, a stark contrast to the impending clash about to unfold.

As the fleets closed the distance, Asora's voice rang out once more. "Steady, men! Hold your positions until my command!" The crew members, a diverse tapestry of nationalities, awaited their queen's orders with disciplined resolve.

The sea, once a canvas of tranquility, transformed into a battleground. The clash of steel against steel reverberated through the air as the opposing forces met in a tumultuous dance of destruction.

In the midst of the intense hand-to-hand combat, Queen Asora found herself engaged in a fierce struggle against a skilled adversary. The clash of swords reverberated around her as she parried blows with agility, her movements guided by the combat training she had received. However, in the chaotic melee, her opponent proved to be a formidable adversary.

The enemy fighter, a menacing figure with a glint of malice in their eyes, skillfully maneuvered through the close-quarters combat. Asora, despite her regal bearing, fought with a tenacity that defied expectations. The battle became a dance of blades, each movement calculated and precise.

In a moment of vulnerability, the adversary executed a swift and unexpected maneuver, slicing a wicked arc across Asora's leg and side. The queen winced in pain, but her determination did not waver. The pain fueled her resolve, and she retaliated with a flurry of strikes, narrowly avoiding another fatal blow.

King Taehan, witnessing the danger his queen faced, roared in a mix of fury and concern on seeing blood dripping from her wounds. The sound cut through the chaos of battle, a primal expression of the protective instinct that surged within him. With two swords in hand, he fought his way through the melee, his eyes locked on Asora.

King & Kween Kang (The Rise Of Kang's #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora