Yuno Grinberryall × Reader : Different From The Rest

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Requested by AriaRosette

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Requested by AriaRosette

Genre : Fluff

Trigger warning : Soft Yuno

Summary : Everybody admires you and respects you. From your captain to the lowest ranking member of the Golden Dawn. But you seem to capture the eye of a certain quiet man.

Events : When Yuno first joined the Golden Dawn.

Words count : 868

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(Y/n) (L/n).

That's a name that has made a place for itself.

Not by force and brutality, but by firmness and kindness.

Wherever you go, people respect and worship you. You became the symbole of peace and good nature to the people of the Clover kingdom, and of grace and tolerance to your squad.

Despite ranking first each year, the Golden Dawn has many issues; especially class disparity. And since the golden squad is known for the majority of its members belonging to nobles and royals, a certain member who orginates from the countryside found it difficult to mend with the rest of the squad.

However, social class, to you, is an illusion that blinds people's better judgment. So, you don't hesitate to befriend and form a bound with the new squad member.

At first, the strong-headed guy refused to cooperate with you, almost immediately shutting down every attempt you make to be his friend.

But after the days turned to months and Yuno got to see your power and kindness that allowed you to become an idol to everyone around the base no matter rich or poor, his behavior starts to change around you little by little.

And the first time you notice it is when he asked you to be his partner for patrol.

"So, any reasons why you wanted me to be your partner for patrol?" You ask him as you fly on your broom next to him, but silence is your only response.

"Yeah, very convincing." You comment sarcastically with a roll of your eyes. You two continue flying around for a good few minutes in utter silence. You smile at the little kids who wave at you and the elder who express their gratitude to you.

"Because you're the least annoying from everyone else." An answer to your long forgotten question is finally revealed. You look at him dumbfoundedly for a moment before giggling, "I mean, they can be annoying. Klaus can lecture you for hours. Hamon doesn't care about anything but his food. Alecdora and Letoile are always serious. David is always silly. Langris is... well... Langris. The only person who doesn't annoy me as often is Mimosa." You say with a fond smile. In spite of their annoyance, you love your teammates dearly.

"But the social class difference is blinding them. As much as I love them, I can't approve of the way they treat you. No one has really a choice to pick which family to be born to." Your smile shifts into a sadder one.

"I don't care about what they think of me, I'm pursuing my own goal of becoming the next wizard king." Yuno responds to you, and you could swear you hear him mutter "Before him." under his breath.

"Well, I'm cheering up for you, pretty boy. But you can't live your life without the others. As much as you might hate it, the people in the Golden Dawn are your squad members and if you want to be the next wizard king, then you must prove to them that you are worth putting aside the social class differences and start opening up to each other." You say as you keep your focus straight ahead, "The current wizard king has been working on banishing that type of discrimination long before becoming a wizard king, so you better follow his steps."

Yuno's eyes linger on your feature for long moments, secretly admiring your words and contemplating the possibility of a world without discrimination. A world where poverty and richness are just words confined in dictionaries rather than reality.

Yuno turns his focus back to the road ahead and your words echo in his mind. In the beginning, he thought that you would be just like the rest of the team, rude, competitive, and believer of the superiority to royalty. But he is proven wrong with the most brutal way.

The brutality of your tolerance.

Within the days he got to spend with you, he understood your beliefs and wanted to adopt them. And today, you just proved to him that you are worthy of efforts to change.

"(Y/n)." Yuno blurts out your name after he's awaken from his trance.

"Hm?" You hum as you sideglance at him.

"I will become the next wizard king. And for that, I will change to eliminate social disparity." He states, more like a promise. You stare at him with wide eyes and pierced lips for a long while, before giggling and saying in the best Yuno voice you could master. "You can't be serious."

It is Yuno's turn to stare at you dumbfoundedly. He attempts to confine his laughter from escaping his lips by pressing his hand to his mouth. "Is that how I sound to you? I'm pretty sure I don't sound like an old hag." His laughter bursts out of his mouth at that question, it is a contagious sound and you end up laughing with him.

"I'm glad you're different, (Y/n)." Yuno confesses with a genuine smile after your laughter has died, you return his smile before you nod at him in acknowledgement.

You two soon fall into a comfortable silent, a fond smile never leaving your features.

. . . ☁️ . . .

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