Yami Sukehiro × Reader : The Weirdest

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Prompt : Yami Sukehiro is the leader of the weirderst squad in the kingdom, but you are also part of that squad

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Prompt : Yami Sukehiro is the leader of the weirderst squad in the kingdom, but you are also part of that squad. Rightfully so, it makes you a weirdo too, right?

Genre: Fluff.

Warnings: None.

. . . 🖤 . . .

Beware the foreigner.

Caution from those who don't speak our language.

Exile to those different from our rank.

Sadly, That's the mindset of most people in Clover Kingdom. So, when Yami first landed foot on this land, he was no exception to such mindset.

Yet, as it is known by the majority, it did not stop him from climbing the ladder of ranks till he became a captain with his own squad. That was never his primary goal, but his innate goodness granted him the recognition of a newly wizard king.

On the other hand, I am also a foreigner from this land. Yet, my luck wasn't as bright as Sukehiro's. The people I met in the capital were ruthless towards their own people, let alone someone with a different birth place.

Seeing that living in the capital was hell, I decided to move to the forsaken realm. They were simple people with simple minds, and I found joy in helping those in need.

Mother nature must have taken a liking towards me and wanted to reward me, for one day I received my own grimoire in one of the villages. My magic was light magic. So, its immense power wasn't a surprise when I casted my first spell with the grimoire.

When Yami Sukehiro was first appointed as a captain, he ventured to look for those considered as weirdos like he was, and that was how we met.

"You told this story more than I can count." I heard Yami comment after he had taken a drag from his cigarette.

"It's not my fault Asta and the others want to hear it again. Also, you can only count to ten." I said back. A vein popped in his temple as he pointed an accusing finger towards me. "Hey! What makes you say that?!" He shouted, completely discarding the first part of my answer.

"Because that's how many pennies you always get left after that game you play with Jack." I crossed my arms at him with a challenging look, daring him to disagree. Yami was about to retort when Asta stood in front of him with pleading eyes as he rubbed his hands together. "Um, Captain. I think you should calm down. We just asked (Y/n) to repeat the story because it's fun, especially the part when you proposed."

Another vein popped in Yami's temple. He clenched Asta's head in his massive palm and threw him out the window. "Go finish your chores before I kill you!" He said as he threw him away.

"You too." He turned to look at the other squad members in the eye. Sensing the threatening mana that rediated from their captain, they got on their feet and fled for their dear lives.

"That was unnecessary." I said as I watched the door slam behind them.

"I'm not going to let a bunch of idiots ruin how I proposed to you."

"Why? Because you had to take a shit in the middle of your kneeling?" I eyed him with a look of disapproval, but my lips failed to conceal the smirk that appeared.

"That was unnecessary." He shook his head at me. "Yet, you still didn't tell them one of the important keys of your power."

"Which is?" I faked a dumbfounded expression with a tilt of my head.

"You're royalty of your land." He stated in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Was. I'm now just a weirdo in a squad of weirdos, and madly in love with their captain... And I'm glad that's how things turned out to be." I smiled warmly at him. Yami took another drag of his cigarette before a smile stretched the corners of his mouth.

"I can't disagree with you on that." He mumbled with a soft tone as his hand held mine while his finger traced the ring on my left hand.

. . . 🖤 . . .

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