Nozel Silva × Reader : The World's Burden

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Genre : Angst to fluff.

Summary : Nozel has never talked about a lot of the things he shoulders with a stoic face. You, with a heavy heart, comfort him as best as you could.

Word account : 1056.

Enjoy and don't forget to vote! <3

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The week was full of tasks and missions. Each and every squad member was tasked with several duties to accomplish during the day, and you were no different.

You had a lot in mind. From paperwork, to the nerve-wracking attack that was going to take place against Spade Kingdom. Therefore, it wasn't really a shock when you and Nozel started seeing each other less often.

It was only when you were sound asleep that you felt the touch of a pair of lips against your forehead and a quiet whisper that said 'I love you'. But that was always during the wee hours of the night. Nozel thought that you were too deep in sleep to hear him, but you would always catch him without his knowledge.

However, that has changed over the course of the recent days, to the point where Nozel does not join you in bed anymore. Now, the only time you are allowed to see him out of work hours has vanished with him.

One night, you wake up to the continuous absence of your lover. You sigh and decide to put an end to this absence. You step out of the bed, and into the warmth of your nightgown and slippers. You rely on your mana detection to locate where the captain is.

After a few minutes of walking through the dark corridors of the headquarters, you find yourself face to face with the entrance that leads to the roof. You take a deep breath and step into the open space.

Shivers tickle your body as the wind traces your skin, which makes you grip your nightgown tighter and rub your arms together in hopes for additional warmth.

Near the edge of the roof stands the man you have been looking for. You couldn't tell what has happened to make him act strangely, but you know that it must have taken a toll on him.

Whether it is the overwhelming stress from the recent Spade attack on Clover Kingdom, or the nervousness from paying them back, you know that Nozel has not been feeling on his best.

You approach him with quiet footsteps. You wait for him to acknowledge your presence, but such thing never happened. In fact, he flinched at the sound of your voice, seemingly spaced out deeply in his inner thoughts.

"Is everything alright?" Your question comes out in a worried tone. You watch as the captain's mouth open in an attempt to answer your inquiry, greet you, or even ask you why you are on the roof with him, but no sound comes out from his mouth.

Your heart aches as you witness him struggle. You are painfully familiar with the soffucating feeling of anxiety, where even your vocal cordes refuse to cooperate. So, you smile at him and shake your head, "It's alright, love. I know it can be overwhelming sometimes to even talk. But you have to know that you don't have to carry that burden alone."

Nozel stares at you for a moment as the wind dances around you. Your teeth chatter from the intense cold, and you press your arms closer to your chest as you move closer to his spot. "Aren't you cold? How about a nice warm cup of tea in the living room by the fireplace?" You look at him with a toothy grin and a tug on his sleeve.

He gazes at you with a stoic face, but you could see his a layer of glass build in his eyes. Once you have noticed it, your eyes tear up instantly, for you abhor seeing your man suffering in silence.

His face nuzzles the space between your right shoulder and neck as his arms wrap themselves tightly around your body. You, in return, mimic his action and circulate his broad shoulders with your arms. You close your eyes and let your lips place kisses on his temple repeatedly.

The whistle of wind, the rustling of leaves, and the hitched breath of your partner, are all that you hear as you stand still on the roof. You have no idea what is so bad that got Nozel so overwhelmed, but you do not plan on questioning him yet.

"I cannot tell you." Your man's voice finally spoke after a long silence. Your eyes open to stare at the starry sky with a surprised look. Suddenly, Nozel parts away from your embrace, but his hand catches yours.

His narrow, purple eyes gaze at your (e/c) ones. Then, his palm cups your cheek in a tender touch. Another round of tranquility passes before he resumes his answer. "I wish to tell you... but I can't risk it."

You would be lying if you said that it didn't hurt to know that Nozel wouldn't share his burdens with you, but you are certain that he has valid reasons for keeping them away from you.

"It's okay if you don't feel ready to talk about it yet. However, I know for certain that sharing your troubles helps overcoming them. So, when you are ready to open up about whatever is causing you trouble, I'm here to listen. Till then, I'll be waiting." You promise him with a warm smile that ignites fire inside him, which makes his heart race a thousand miles.

In a rare sight, you witness the corners of Nozel's lips stretch into a genuine smile. His shoulders slump in relaxation, and his eyes glitter with affection and adoration. He shakes his head at you with a gentle scoff in his usual way, but the smile doesn't leave his features.

He unbuttons his coat and places it around you to protect you from the cold. His palm settles on your lower back, before he guides you back inside the building.

"A cup of warm tea with you by the fireplace seems nice." He simply replies.

He couldn't tell you about how helpless he felt facing the cause of his mother's death, nor could he tell you about the fear of losing you or one of his siblings to the same curse.

Despite the shadows that lurk in his mind and draw him away from his loved ones, you still manage to pull him back with the gentle light of your love and kindness at the end of the dark tunnel of his mind.

. . . 🌼 . . .

Hey guys!

I hope you are all doing well!

I hope you have enjoyed your time reading this chapter. If you have, please do leave a vote and comment!

Stay safe and lots of love~

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