Yuno Grinberryall × Reader : Missing

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Genre : Angst to fluff.

Summary : You are out in a rescue mission, but turns out you will be the one who needs to be rescued.

Trigger warnings: Mentions of blood. Slight description of some injuries. Long chapter.

Word count : 3,230

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"Is he alright?" Whispered David.

"It's been almost two days since (Y/n) left for that rescue mission, and she's not back yet. I think he's worried about her." Klaus responded and pushed his glasses further up his nose.

"Is there any news about her?" Letoile asked him. The latter shook his head.

Yuno ventured towards his office with a grumpy face. He was angry at you for not sending a message to let them know about your progress, but he was extremely worried about your safety. On top of that, he was furious he couldn't do anything about it.

You had gone to rescue a child who went missing in a village. The only information that was provided was the fact that the child was last seen leaving to a local store.

When he asked for Captain Vangeance's permission to look for you, he was reminded that he should have patience and faith in your abilities.

"Patience, Yuno. (Y/n) is the most suitable for this operation. Besides that, there are other magic knights who patrol the area and are notified of this mission. Should things go south, they will intervene."

But Yuno was far away from relying on faith alone.

After closing the door of his office, Yuno let out an exhausted sigh of defeat and closed his eyes. He silently sent prayers for your safety while he tried to calm himself. Intrusive thoughts were starting to take a toll on him, and they tired his nerve system to the point that he wanted nothing more than to feel the warmth of your arms around him.

He sat at his desk and waited in silence. Suddenly, Bell, with her bubbly persona, emerged and decided to tag on his cheek.

"Not the time, Bell." The spirit had seen Yuno worried before, especially for a certain strong-headed guy from the Black Bulls. Yet, she could see that this worry that glazed his eyes was far more intense than any she had witnessed before.

Yuno was the type of person to hide his concern skillfully. Yet, right here and now, he looked as if anxiety was eating at his insides, and his eyes did nothing to conceal it.

For the first time in a long time, Bell decided to stop annoying her host and settle down on his shoulder.

The door banged with several knocks, which made Yuno almost jump from his seat in alert.

"Come in." He ordered.

"Vice Captain." The magic knight quickly gave a salute after that he had closed the door behind him. "We have received a message from (Y/n)." The young man said as he showed a small scroll.

Yuno jumped into his feet and marched with a rapid pace towards the magic knight's stand. He extended his hand for the message to be delivered to him.

His fingertips barely touched the scroll when he snatched it and quickly unfolded it.

Yuno's eyes ventured hastily through the lines of ink. His pupils moved so fast they blurred. Therefore, he had to take a deep breath before he gave it another read. This time, he could make out the words that seemed to be shaky and wobbly.

However, he instantly recognized that it wasn't an adult's handwriting. Years of living in a church surrounded by kids taught him the difference between handwritings of a child and an adult (except for Asta's).

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