Conrad Leto × Reader : Ruby

835 27 36

Genre : Angst

Summary : When Conrad is back 10 years after his battle against Julius, he doesn't expect that he had left you with his child.

Word count : 1974.

Trigger warning : implicit mentions of death.

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It was a quiet afternoon.

Yet, it was anything but quiet in your mind as it drifted to the years back that led to that fateful day.

Your life had been a living hell.

And just when you thought darkness could not take any more inch of your life, a small ray of light pierced through the dark clouds.

That ray was a personification of a man; a man who promised to give you the world and beyond. How did he come into your life was beyond your understanding.

For all the pain and misery you had been through, it was almost impossible to contemplate how life would reward you with an ounce of salvation.

But that thought completely changed when Conrad, who was still a magic knight in the White Serpent at the time, coloured your dull life with his bright smile and contagious laughter.

It did not take that long before you two started dating, and on the day when Conrad had been officially appointed as Wizard King, he proposed to you.

Soon your relationship bloomed into a marriage before it flourished into hopes to extend your family.

Yet, slowly but surely, you could feel him slipping away, and you should've well known that he would eventually transform into a man you could hardly recognize.

Then, on that dreadful day, you were confronted by Julius as he delivered the news of Conrad's passing.

You should have known, but you decided to turn a blind eye towards it. Now that the kingdom had been left without an ultimate protector, Julius had been chosen to fill the role.

Despite being in extremely good terms with Julius, it did not mean that nobles were any sympathetic of your condition; if anything, a young widow meant nothing to their greedy, stone hearts.

In a twist of events, however, a sudden sickness took over your body in a matter of days; then soon enough, you had been announced with a child.

To say you were baffled was an understatement. It felt as an ironic joke from fate that you had just lost your husband, but had been rewarded by his thriving child.

Julius arranged a private house where you could reside with your unborn child until you figured out where to go on with life from that point on.

The thought of moving out of the world of nobility was dancing in your mind over and over again. Especially that if news came out of your unanticipated pregnancy, you and your unborn child might become a primary target for nobles to eliminate.

You could not risk the safety of such innocent soul, but Julius managed to convince you otherwise in exchange for anonymous identities for you and your child.

The number of people who knew the truth could not surpass the number of your fingers in one hand.

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