Langris Vaude × Reader : Red String

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Requested by GhostieSimp_! Thank you for requesting!

Genre : Fluff.

Summary : Soulmate magic was not as powerful as you had hoped it to be; yet, everything changed once you learned who your soulmate is.

Word count : 1306.

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In a world where magic ruled, I was lucky enough not to be stripped of any magic abilities.

Yet, that was where my fortune stopped, for the nature of my magic was deemed powerless and useless by others.

Soulmate magic.

In simple terms, I was able to see the red string that attached two souls in their fate. With intense training, I managed to swifter the ability to spot the red string, and sometimes, even, temper with it.

Despite all odds, I was accepted as a magic knight in the Golden Dawn; I could not fathom why the captain chose me out of all contestants, yet I wouldn't complaining. However, because of my magic's insufficiency in battle, I was rarely put in battlefield; I was, instead, assigned to evacuation and medical assistance.

"How does it feel to reunite your soulmate?" I asked out of curiosity.

"It's a feeling of being whole. A feeling that you have finally found the last piece in a long, forgotten puzzle. I'm sure you will experience it one day."

I was able to discover people's soulmates by observing the red string on their ring finger, yet ironically, as I look down at my own, I find an empty void that screamed of loneliness.

I couldn't comprehend the reason I did not obtain a red string to tie my soul to another's. It was either my other half didn't believe in soulmates or death's scythe had collected the poor soul before we could have our fateful reunion.

Thus, the magic that had once brought me joy from aiding souls to reconnect became my deepest sorrows, for I would've been better off not knowing of my unsure destiny.

"(Y/n), we are to depart now." The vice-captain of the Golden Dawn adressed me. Before I had the chance to respond, I noticed the multiple pairs of confused and envious eyes.

Squinting my eyes, I instantaneously recognized their reasoning. While he was aggressive and intolerant with others, it was no secret that Langris had a particular sense of favorism towards me; from the calm tone to the relaxed posture, he was an open book scribbled of serenity and comfort.

It felt nice, considering the fact that my soulmate's destiny was still an unknown mystery. Strangly enough, when I looked at Langris's ring finger, it yelled of the same emptiness that engulfed mine.

Nodding my head at his statement, I quietly walked to my broom and awaited orders to take off to begin our mission of securing a dungeon.

~ ~

The travel to the dungeon's location was silent and rapid. Within minutes, we had reached the gateway of the underground facility.

"Let's begin." Langris announced as he stepped into the mystery that laid beneath. Following close, darkness consumed the area and eliminated any source of light from intervening; the only clearance that illuminated our path was the magically produced bulbs.

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