Patri × Reader : One Last Reunion

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Genre : Angst to fluff

Summary : Awoken from a deep slumber after the tragic passing of your tribe, you have one final chance to meet the elf you have grown to fancy.

Word count : 1870.

Trigger warning : mentions of injury, mention of blood, slight mention of death.

. . . 🌼 . . .

When most fear darkness, its existence had become the only home I know.

The hideous memories that haunted me in the endless, sombre abyss deprived me from salvation to finally depart to my resting place.

Yet, admist the insanity that danced dangerously close to my senses, I was suddenly pulled away by a blinding light. Groaning at the abrupt disturbance, I felt my eyes flutter open as my surroundings began to take shape.

I was in the living world.

How was it possible?

I looked down at my hands, only to find they did not quite belong to me, for the lingering presence inside me alerted my senses of the human that had once possessed this body.

Moreover, an abnormal, yellow aura engulfed my entire being and pulsed powerful mana through my veins. The magic was mine, yet its intensity was not exactly my own.

It just wasn't quite right.

As I orated the thoughts in my head, I heard spectral whispers that were undoubtly muffled screams of the other imprisoned soul within this one, shared body.

"It's good to have you back, (Y/n)." Charla greeted as her footsteps echoed closer to my spot. I noticed that, similar to my condition, she was controlling a body that wasn't hers; my theory was further enhanced by the strange clothes only humans were known for.

"What's happening, Charla?" I inquired in a clueless and confused tone. Squinting her eyes, Charla briskly explained what knowledge she had about our resurrection.

"I saw Baval enter that odd palace, and I intend to follow him." She stated, an underlying question in her words. My eyes traveled back to the floating building; ominous vibes radiated from its entrance, promising nothing of good nature.

However, a nagging tug in my guts shouted at me to ignore the threat and follow Charla, which won against my fiercest protests. Gathering as much courage as I could master, I turned to Charla as I announced, "I'm coming with you."

To eliminate the chance for second reconsiderations and possible retreat, I allowed my newly found magic to carry me in its wings, accessing the mysterious doors of the eerie palace.

Traveling inside, I couldn't inhibit the growing fear that scratched its claws at both my mind and heart; the quiet atmosphere became unsettling as my ears perked up in alarm for any sudden presence.

The extensive attention paid off, for the barely audible breathing of Baval's unconscious body summoned our heed towards him.

Halting in front of him, Charla and I knelt down to inspect the extent of the damage inflicted upon the unaware elf.

"He's alive." She states outloud despite our full acknowledgement of such a fact, yet the relief in her tone led me to believe that her statement was more of a confirmation to calm our nerves than a declaration.

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