William Vangeance × Reader : Abandoned Plants

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Genre: fluff.

Summary: You bring occasional plants to your captain, but your true intentions are far more than simply saving abandoned plants.

Word Count: 1270.

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How harsh does life have to be for someone to become completely numb to its beauty?

Years of hardships, no matter overcome or not, can strip colors from life and leave a dull white and black shade on all events that have yet to come. It takes great courage to resist the darkness threatening to blanket one's vision of life.

William Vangeance was simply one of those who have lost their vibrancy in life, for it was too cruel in its treatment it deprived him from heeding the beauty in it.

And his office was one clear manifestation of such numbness.

Before I had ever entered his office, I envisioned orned walls of silky gold and luxurious furniture neatly positioned in an elegant fashion; only the finest of decorations scattered around the office, which oozed a vibrant aura of a mighty, wealthy captain.

A sight that would drop my jaw.

Yet, when I had stepped into the office for the first time, it did meet my expectation of amazing me, but not for the right reasons. His office was simple, colorless, and basic. Wooden-structured furniture consisted of his desk, a table and two chairs, along with a small library where scrolls were placed.

As much as it emitted comfort, it almost felt... lifeless.

Time elapsed and winter gave way to spring. Nature blossomed and the sky cleared from the outrageous storms that had once dominated it. Moods were joyful and smiles were perpetual, for spring could only allow merry times.

People changed with spring, and life beat in their hearts and lives. Such a change was shown on their entire façade from expressions, to clothes, to residence.

It never shied to manifest.

However, whenever I stepped foot in Captain Vangeance's office, it remained the same as winter and summer gave way to spring and autumn: simple, dull, lifeless. Day by day nothing changed, until an idea popped in my mind.

I knocked on the office door three times and waited patiently for permission to access. I looked down at the pot my hands gingerly carried, and I tilted it slightly to skim its appearance for one last time.

Satisfied, I smiled softly and confidently stepped into the office when I heard the verbal response to enter the office. Once inside, all confidence suddenly vanished and a sense of nervousness took over. I tried to conceal it, but the blush on my face betrayed my feelings.

Sitting at his desk was the mighty captain, whose smile never showed his true feelings. His violet eyes raised to fix at me, and the slightest change appeared on his face; whether it was my wild imagination or my sharp observation, my eyes detected a softness that plastered his smile.

"What brings you to my office, (Y/n)?" His low, yet gentle voice sang in my ears, and the view of the pot in my hands suddenly became more appealing to me.

"I have found this beautiful plant abandoned. Its beauty captured my heed and reminded me of someone dear." I replied with an equally low voice. My eyes carried a tone of warmth and care for the plant as they narrowed in affection for the mental image of the person which it reminded me of.

"Oh?" The captain started amusingly, "and why not keeping it in your care?" He asked in a manner that suggested he was intrigued by my advances.

Had the blush been painted on my cheeks, its color was burning degrees on my face by now. I clenched the pot in my hands more securely as I gulped down the growing nervousness. I glanced at him with glossy eyes and shaky smile, "I... my time does not allow me to constantly look after the plant. Since you, sir, are constricted by paperwork for most of the time, I figured you would not mind the addition of one plant amongst your daily tasks," my mind generated the quickest excuse it could think of, "besides, it could serve you company when you need it the most."

Captain Vangeance stared at me with eyes of a hawk; his eyes were veiled by an invisible layer of scrutiny. Each second passed like an hour all of a sudden, and I began to shift and fidget in my stand.

Soon, a breathy chuckle of amusement escaped the captain's lips, and he leaned against his chair and said, "all right, then." He beckoned me to place the pot on his desk, which I happily obliged to.

Once on his desk, Captain Vangeance traced a digit against the pot and brushed his finger against the plant. I watched him inspect the plant from afar, anxiously waiting for any sort of feedback. Silence beat in the office for several seconds before the captain finally adressed me with solemn gratitude, "it is indeed a beautiful plant, albeit a bit fragile," his eyes moved to look at me, "thank you for this heartfelt gift."

Amidst the gratitude his eyes forecasted was another emotion which I could not recognize, but its radiance reached me at intense levels. Quickly regaining my composure, I cleared my throat and answered in a relatively lower voice, "it is no trouble, captain. I only wished..." my speech trailed off when I caught up with how I almost revealed my real intentions.

Silence engulfed for a brief moment before Captain Vangeance carefully positioned the plant right next to him, making it permanent in his line of vision. "I shall take care of it." He spoke and nodded his head, as if to emphasize the truthness of his promise.

Thus began my occasional gifting of abandoned plants to Captain Vangeance, and each time I would offer him a rather irrelevant excuse just to get him to accept the plant. With each visit, his office began to shine with radiance which reflected his powerfulc magic and his calm, kind nature. However, for quite a while my gifts ceased appearing in his office.

All until one day when I was summoned to his office haphazardly. Once I entered the office, I immediately noticed how the plants had grown from frigile and abandoned to radiant and confident. And when my eyes finally lied on the owner of the office, the keeper of the plants, the same vibe emitted from him.

His eyes, although tranquil and altruistic in nature, an unknown feature emerged in those violet oceans; it made me halt dead in my steps as I stood in front of his office. Had it not been for his movement which broke the silence around us, I would have thought that my heartbeat was defeaning all ears.

The captain marched with all his might and glory towards me. Once he stood before me, our height difference was suddenly more pertinent than ever; and the blush on my cheeks could burn endless fields of wheat with its heat.

My eyes avoided his gaze and found the ground easier to stare at, but his fingers gently grasped my chin and lifted my head to his level.

"Have you run out of abandoned plants to rescue? Or has your heart's wish been fulfilled?" He asked in a low voice which vibrated in my eardrums. Embarrassment gripped at my senses once I realized that my intentions had long been uncovered by the observant captain.

His finger traced my jaw as he leaned down to my height, closer to my face. His lips stretched to a solemn smile, and his eyes narrowed with a dominant feeling that echoed the same residing within me. Then, in a gentle whisper he uttered, "thank you for rescuing this abandoned heart, my (Y/n)."

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Hey guys!

I hope you are all doing well. I know it has been a long time since the latest update, but writer's block isn't any merciful.

Nevertheless, I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. I would also appreciate more feedback!

Thank you for reading, and stay safe!

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