Nacht Faust × Reader : Home and Familiarity

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Requested by Hmmmmadaapa. Thank you for requesting!

For those who have requests, please leave them in the Intro page, or in my DMs because I have a hard time finding them scattered in other chapters. Thank you for understanding!

Genre : Fluff

Summary : On your anniversary, Nacht decides to take you staregazing.

Word count : 1306.

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The sun crept down farther into the earth, giving way to the moon to settle in its stead; slow paced, but certain end.

My legs carried me downstairs as I descended with the sun, its majestic departure never escaping my sight. Yet, as much as I appreciated the star's beauty, my soul ached for the moon for it reminded me of one individual.

A person too dear to my heart.

My body moved through the main entrance and into the woods, but my mind was distances away. Through the gigantic trees I ventured to our meeting spot.

The spot where many secret reunions took place, hidden from praying eyes of friends and foes.

Once in the sacred place, I stood still and closed my eyes, allowing myself to breathe in my surroundings.

The leaves that peeked at me through the branches whispered to the wind as it whispered back; the latter began a familiar dance with my (h/c) hair.

As the wind puppeteered the leaves, the rustling of their play was music to my ears, harmonious and nostalgic.

My head lifted itself to expose my neck and its base to the fresh blow of wind. I, then, cracked my eyes open to stare at the faint lights that illuminated the sky.

While my eyes longed to see him, my mind had already begun displaying shared moments that had, unfortunately, met their ends far too quickly. Had we more time, I would drawn in his embrace and never re-emerge.

Out of habit, I started counting the tiny bulbs. One, two, three... counting until a sense of familiarity hit me and pulled me out of my focus.

And there it was, that mana shrouded in mystery; and yet again, a glimpse of familiarity grew within it, embracing it, brightening it until mystery could no longer relate quite as strongly.

Instinctively, my eyes turned to lock him in their sight. His permanent smile stretched his lips. The dark area under his closed eyes grew wider.

His eyes might be closed, but they were seeing beyond the lids, omniscient and all-knowing, scanning the territory before landing on my figure.

I could tell, because the forced stretch of his smile relaxed, then the lids opened to reveal the all-knowing eyes.

Looking past the ice that clouded them, I fetched the warmth and familiarity that hid deep inside. Once found, I reached in, grabbed, and claimed them for myself.

Selfish, but familiar.

From an outsider's eye, it looked like we were having a staring contest, holding each other's stare in a battle a blink was its ending whistle.

It was, in fact, quite the contrary for no words were needed when the eyes carried the silent conversation; the greetings, the check-ins, the apologies, the promises.

It was all there, just hidden in thin air where they had claimed their home.

Nacht's shoulders dropped a bit, then the shadows around him, summoned through to his grimoire, extended towards me, ready to take me in, snatch and engulf me in its mystery.

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