William Vangeance × Reader : Together

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Requested by Woodyy65 Thank you so much for this lovely request!

Genre : Fluff.

Summary : You are heavily pregnant with your and William's child. And it happens that one day William thinks about the possibility of his scar passing on to his child.

Word count : 1,276.

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The sound of the birds chirping in the trees entered your ears blissfully. The sun was setting majestically before your eyes. You quietly hummed to yourself as your wooden chair rocked your body back and forth.

You were 8 months pregnant and you'd never felt so excited, yet nervous at the same time. You smiled to yourself when you recalled the first time found out that you were pregnant. You almost jumped up and down from excitement, had it not been for the fact that you had to remain cautious from then onwards.

When William found out you were carrying his child- his son, he took you off any missions that you had planned. He bombarded you with gifts, cuddles, and kisses. He made sure to notify everyone at the Golden Dawn to take care of you.

At some point, it became irritating how every single member of the squad treated you like you were a precious vase of glass; so, you frequently declined their advances to land you their hand.

That was before you became heavily pregnant. Now, everything seemed difficult to do. You couldn't even see your feet anymore.

During various occasions throughout your pregnancy, especially the early stages, William found himself unable to restrain his excitement to extend your small family.

But with the excitement came greater insecurities.

On the other side of the headquarters, William signed the last paper of the previous pile documents that weighed his desk. With a small, audible sigh, he slumped back against his chair.

His mind begged for a moment of peace from all the work it had been put into. So, he allowed his thoughts to drift back to you- or maybe it is more appropriate to say that it had become a habit to always have his thoughts circulated towards your shared memories.

He knew that at this time of the evening, you would be sitting by the vast, window made of glass in the tea room. At the image of you sitting with your hand on your swollen belly, a smile plastered William's face. Without a second thought, he decided to retreat to your arms for the day.

The sound of his boots clicking against the floor as he approached his destination was all William could hear. Yet, it would never cease to amaze him how blissful he found your voice as you hummed to your stomach.

As carefully as he could, William opened the door in order not to disturb your moment of peace. The view of you, his beloved wife, in your jewelled, faint green dress, with your exposed back facing him, made his heart skip a beat. It was as if he had just seen a fairy.

His fairy.

Not a noise was uttered as William took of his mask and watched you with eyes full ardent love. However, his eyes flashed a tone of sadness when he eyed his mask. What if...?

"William? I didn't notice your arrival." Your voice was of a surprised tone, which snapped the man from drowning in his small trance. Instead, he greeted you with a small smile. "I've just got here." He stepped closer to your spot and kisses your forehead.

"How are you faring, my love?" He asked as his hand found yours on your belly.

"I'm doing fine. This little fella is getting restless recently. It was only a few minutes ago that he stopped kicking." You giggled for a short moment, and William's smile grew founder.

He knelt in front of you and caressed your belly attentively. "I hope you didn't give your mother any big troubles. She's doing her best to take care of you." He adressed your unborn child.

No matter how much tiring and costing the pregnancy was, the look of pride and love on William's eyes made it all worth it. Yet, you didn't miss the tone of sadness that shied away in William's eyes.

"William?" You called his name, yet his eyes remained fixed on your belly; as if purposely avoiding your gaze.

"Yes, dear?" Came his reply. His smile lingered tightly on his face.

"Are you thinking about that again?" Your voice was empty of judgement. If anything, all William could hear was compassion and genuine concern.

He was full aware that he had been busted by your piercing observation. That was why his smile fell from his face and more of the hidden sadness made its presence in his purple orbs.

Your other hand found his cheek to caress. You knew fully of the insecurities and anxiety that would haunt your husband when it came to your son.

"You know that no matter what happens, he will always be loved by those around him." You tried to reason with him.

"Not if this hideous scar passes on to him." William's face turned to the opposite side of the hand that still caressed his cheek. You could see his emotions intensify from the way his eyes narrowed and his chin dropped ever so slightly. The downcast frown on his lips emphasized to you how such a thought was taking a toll on his moments of happiness.

You slipped your other hand from your belly and arched your body forwards in order to cup both of William's cheeks. You turned his face to focus on your close one. The corners of your lips stretched upwards in an attempt to soothe your disturbed husband.

Your lips found their favorite spot on his forehead, and they trailed all the way across his scar; just as you always do whenever he felt insecure about his curse. Yet, it had never been as intense as when it came to your son. And you knew that it was in William's nature to care more for his beloved ones than himself.

"Our son will not suffer because of this scar, if he ever gets it. Not because we can guarantee that people will not look differently at him, but because he will know how to deal with it. He has an amazing father whom he can rely on. A father who will care for him like the world has never witnessed. A father who will stand behind him as he faces the world. He will not suffer because that father is you." Your thumbs traced the soft skin of his cheeks up and down.

But they quickly started wiping the wet skin under his eyes. Your eyes softened even more at the sight of the salty tears that tickled your skin. William's lower lip quivered as you continued your affectionate motion. He got a gentle grip of your wrist and brought your palm to his lips.

He closed his eyes as he planted a long kiss to your hand. He could taste the salt of his tears on your skin, yet he focused on the warmth that seeped through it instead.

Your arms had wrapped themselves around his neck, before they brought him closer to your body. William buried his face in your clothed belly, and you pressed a long kiss into the center of his head.

"We'll go through it together." You whispered near his ear as his shoulders shook with silent sobs.

William pulled away slightly to gaze at you with soaked eyes, but a breath-taking smile. His hand moved up to brush your cheek bone. You got the cue and leaned closer to press your lips against his. The touch sealed unspoken promises of unwavering loyalty, everlasting support, and undying love.

"Together." William mirrored the last word of your sentence in the same volume you had used.

And as your eyes fluttered close in content, so did William's shadows.

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Hey guys!

I hope you're all doing well. I hope you have enjoyed your time reading this request as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please don't forget to vote and feel free to comment or request!

Stay safe and lots of love!

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