Yami Sukehiro × Reader : Training

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Genre : Fluff.

Summary : You and Yami are sparing when suddenly two boys engage in your fight.

Word account : 739

(F/b/n) : First born's name.

(S/b/n) : Second born's name.

. . . 🖤 . . .

"C'mon, baby. Is that all you've got?" Yami smirked at you as he blocked your fist.

After months of absence away from fighting due to your recent pregnancy, you decided that it was time to regain your previous shape.

So, you asked Yami to train with you. At first, he was reluctant to join you in fears you needed more rest; after all, you had just bore him two lovely boys. Not to mention that it was just your first pregnancy.

Nonetheless, with much persistence from you, Yami decided to give in, but he made sure to remain cautious towards his attacks.

"I'm just getting started." You answered with a smirk. Yet, deep down, you knew you were nowhere near your previous legacy.

Which only served to motivate you more.

You used your magic to launch an offensive spell towards your husband. You were completely aware that Yami would easily dodge or stop the spell. So, you made sure that your spell was not something he could dodge, but something he would need to stop.

Once the small explosion caused by nullifying your attack stopped, you dashed in the midst of the fog and dust to attack Yami. It was a brilliant strategy.

Your plan would have worked, had it not been for your husband's ability to read ki fluently.

"Nice try, baby. You almost got me in your trap." He complimented after giving out a loud, victorious laugh. Even though he had you locked in a tight grip, you smirked in malice as you waited for your winning cards to appear.

Suddenly, the sound of two high piched screams sounded right behind you. Two little figures emerged from the clearing dust and attacked Yami.

The stealthy attack caught Yami so off-guard that he ended up on the ground. He had taught them how to skillfully hide their ki, so his method backfired at him. His tight hold around you lessened the slightest bit, but that was your chance to get out and flip the tables.

"Let's go (S/b/n)! We'll save you, mommy!" Your first born exclaimed as he hit Yami with his sword that was made of clipboard.

"We'll save mommy!" Your second born followed with as much enthusiasm as his brother.

"Wait! That's cheating!" Yami complained. The clipboard swords did little to no damage to Yami, to the point that it did not faze him the tiniest. Yet, he pretend to be defeated by his sons.

"Are you sure you have not fallen into my trap yet?" You asked with a proud face and tone. Your hands cupped your hips as you stood your ground gracefully.

The four year old boys landed one last finishing blow before they claimed victory.

"Ahh! I surrender! You won! You won!" Yami exclaimed in a fake, defeated voice. Upon hearing such claim, the boys pulled away from their father with the belief that they had emerged victorious.

"Come here, you two!" Except that Yami let out a raging exclaim that surprised your sons, which made them take off running.

The trio ran around in circles with speed, screams, and laughter. And you watched from a distance as you felt your heart swell at the scene before you.

Soon enough, Yami came back with both of them in each side with their tummies supported by his arms as if he was carrying two heavy bags.

"I'm going to teach these two a lesson for betraying my heart and siding with you." He started, which was the equivalent of him saying that he was taking them to the rest of the black bulls to train and have fun.

"You take some rest before joining us. We'll be waiting for you." He continued with soft eyes and an unwavering smile.

"That I'll do. Don't go running around when Magna, Luck, or Asta go crazy. Stay close to daddy." You pinched your sons cheeks, which earned you a combined "Okay!" from both of them.

"That's my boys." You smiled warmly at them. Yami looked at you with a twitching eye.

"Maybe next time we should work on having twin girls to help me against your alliance with the two monkeys here." You blinked a few times before you burst into a fit of laughter at his idea.

"That's not happening."

"We'll see if you'll keep saying that tonight." He left with a roaring laughter after that your face had exploded into hot flames.

. . . 🖤 . . .

Hey guys!

I hope you're all doing well! Hope you have enjoyed your time reading this chapter. Please do leave a vote and a comment if you have.

Stay safe and lots of love~

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