William Vangeance × Reader : Memories

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Genre : Angst to fluff.

Summary : After an argument between you and William occurs before a big mission, you get injured and become amnesic.

Trigger warning : mention of injuries, mention of amnesia.

Word count : 2,818.

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"I'm sorry, Captain Vangeance. We have done all we could to save her, but we are not sure about the extent of the damage her head injury has inflected. We may only know when she wakes up." The doctor informed the young captain in a sorrowful tone.

William did not utter a word in response, yet his eyes had a darker tone that was as clear as day, "You may leave." The doctor sighed in defeat at the sound of his dismissal and left the room.

The stillness in the room was far from reassuring; if anything, it promised wrath to anyone who had dared to disturb William's peace.

His head turned towards your direction; his majestical purple eyes glued on your face as he sank in his thoughts.

William had calculated every single movement before he performed a plan. But on that fateful day, you and William had a major argument; the first and certainly most intense in your relationship. Even though, you both put your feelings aside and proceeded with your mission for the day. However, what William didn't expect was how you'd appear out of nowhere to take a lethal attack for him.

Since he was still affected by the fight you two had, he had been more reckless and agressive than the Golden Dawn had ever seen. But such recklessness blinded his eyes from seeing the bandit's attack directed at him.

It had been ages since Vangeance felt rage course though his veins; and yet it was all he had felt as he caught your limp body in his arms.

William's gaze lingered a little longer on your sleeping face as he stood next to your bedside. Ice froze his eyes for a moment before a transparent layer of softness glazed over them when he noticed your chest raise and fall with each breath you took.

He knew that keeping you by his side whenever he went would be dangerous for you. However, he trusted your abilities to protect yourself against your opponents.

He knew, and yet he still decided to be selfish and keep you close to him. The proper reason he gave to himself was so that he could protect you when needed.

But he didn't expect you'd go as far as to sacrifice yourself for him, even when you had your differences.

Had he been a cold-hearted captain, he would have considered it as your duty to protect him. But for you, he held a certain soft spot he couldn't deny.

So, when he confronted you about this fuzzy feeling you leave him with, it was one of the warmest conversations you two had ever had. "If you accept, I would like to court you, my love." He admitted bluntly while the two of you sat by the river in the forest behind the base. From that day forward, your relationship fruited in mutual respect and love.

You didn't stir the slightest when William left the room, nor did you stir in your sleep for the next few weeks. The captain had to balance between his duties and taking care of you. He knew that he had to distract himself with his work so that time could pass quicker; yet, everyone at the Golden Dawn could tell that his heart and soul was still with you.

When the day was uneventful, he would personally look after you; he would wipe you down, feed you, comb your hair, and spend the day reading you your favourite book and quotes.

"I heard that sometimes, people in a coma can hear everything going on outside." Mimosa had told him. He found it unlikely to happen, but he still considered the possibility of its occurrence.

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