William Vangeance × Reader : Vision

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Genre : Angst.

Summary : You have a vision that Zenon will attack the Golden Dawn beforehand.

Warnings : mention of blood and death.

Word count : 2258.

Please enjoy!

. . . 🌼 . . .

The night was as still as a mountain. Every person was deep in slumber after a tiring day of fighting, patrolling, and paperwork.

All was quiet, except for your tossing and turning. It started as a random dream as any other night, but as it continued taking shape and form, meaningful sights started emerging. There was blood everywhere, piles of corpses and a man with a fur coat orned with the Spade Kingdom symbol stood on top.

Deep down, you knew it was not a nightmare, but rather another vision that your Prediction Magic allowed you to witness. It was a warning.

Your magic -Prediction Magic- not only helped you in combat as to predict your opponent's next move, but also granted you visions for future events. The visions didn't kick in until during the Elf's invasion.

Thankfully, once your mind had realized that it was a vision and not a dream, the images took a better clarification and the events played in front of your closed eyes as a silent film in a cinema.

You woke up with a jolt and a scream escaped your throat. The sound and movement were more than enough to wake up the captain next to you, who sat up with an alarmed look.

You, however, did not seem to notice because you were too focused on calming your erratic breathing. Only the sound of your ribcage pounding with your heart occupied your ears, which caused the worried words of reassurance that left your boyfriend's mouth to melt into the heartbeat in your hearing.

Your hand covered half of your face while you were hearing a good amount of movement next to you. After a few minutes, a hand was placed on your shoulder, seemingly asking for your attention.

You turned your head towards your left. You were met with another hand holding a glass of water in your way. You gratefully took it and drank the liquid in one sip, hoping to soothe down the pile of saliva that gathered in your throat.

"Thanks." Your voice was small and frightened. The hand took the glass from your grasp and placed it on the tableside. Your eyes dropped to stare at your hands that clenched the blanket.

With a swift movement, your chin was lifted to lock your eyes with a pair of majestical purple eyes. At the touch of two lips as William placed a kiss on your forehead, and the sight of the warm smile that followed it, your eyes instantly teared up and you threw yourself into his embrace.

He hushed you and regularly reminded you of your current location. William desperately wanted to say it was a dream and everything will be safe and well, but even he knew that your magic never lied.

"It wasn't a dream." You muttered against the fabric of his chest. William slightly pulled away and looked at you. Your eyes were glassy, your cheeks flushed, and your mouth was pushed into a pout. The sight of you made William smile softer than he normally did. He pressed another long kiss into your forehead.

"What did you see?" William asked with a grounding voice, his hand didn't cease to stroke your hair.

"I saw a man attack the Golden Dawn, possibly from Spade Kingdom. You fought him, but his devil powers were too grand to defeat. He..." You felt another round of thick salive assemble in the middle of your throat, blocking any speech sound from producing.

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