Nozel Silva × Reader : Tease

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Requested by the lovely Tekanime. Thank you for requesting!

Genre : Fluff

Summary : After the war against devils, the Wizard King invited all magic knights and their captains to attend a party to celebrate. Yet, you didn't expect it to be the changing point in your life with a certain, fellow captain.

Word count : 1829.

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The sound of chatter filled your ears as soon as you entered the ball room. Your arm circulated your vice-captain's own as you both stepped into the vast place.

After the fight against the devils, the Wizard King arranged a party to celebrate the victory and thank those who participated for their hardwork and dedication.

Your eyes scanned the already crowded room; the Wizard King had surely reorganised the room from the last time you had seen it. The round tables scattered around were wrapped in fancy clothes. The walls were painted a golden colour that shone thanks to the light from the ceiling. Speaking of which, a royal crystal chandelier danged from the roof and proudly stood still above the attendees' heads.

Despite attending several parties of similar design before, the majestical decoration never ceased to amaze your eyes. Not only that, but also the classical music that played in the background. A mix of violin, piano, and guitar was what you could make out of it.

And after listening to the last few tones, a new song began and you immediately recognized it as Vivaldi's 'The Four Seasons - Spring (La primavera).'

Moving from your scan of furniture to people, you spotted numerous familiar faces present. Remarkable magic knights, captains and their vices, and support magic knights. Those whom you had fought side by side to demolish the threat that promised to lead the world to its doom.

You shook your head slightly in order to get rid of such intrusive thoughts. It was supposed to be a joyful party where you forget your worries, so you were going to enjoy your time and have fun.

"Are you alright?" Your vice-captain asked; his young features laced with concern. You smiled at his worry and nodded your head before you answered, "yes. Everything's good. Let's go have some fun." You grinned at him, thus you two stepped further into the room.


Nozel wasn't found of parties.

If anything, he'd rather have an alone time somewhere out the headquarters, or even the capital, than attending such noisy, boring, and unnecessary celebration.

Had it not been for the kid Wizard King personally asking -forcing- him to join, he would've gladly skipped.

For the first time since a very long time, Nozel witnessed most of the magic knights wearing something other than their respective attire and squad capes.

And yet, you still stood out of the crowd from your first steps into the room.

With a dark, stary dress whose beauty rivalled that of the stars in the sky, you walked gracefully towards the middle of the room. Your hair was well-done and combed in a fashion that matched the dress's vibe. The accessories that decorated your hair, fingers, wrists, and neck added a totally new charm to you.

Black Clover Oneshots/ Boyfriend/Husband ScenariosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora