Fuegoleon Vermillion × Reader : From Death Rises the Knight

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Request by Rimuru-Tensura Thank you for requesting!

Genre: Angst to Fluff.

Summary: amidst the great peril that has befallen the Clover Kingdom, your only wish is for your husband to return to you.

Word Count: 1466.

Trigger Warning: mentions of death.

Thank you for reading. Enjoy!

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It is said that when one is about to die, their life flushes before their eyes, and mine was no exception; yet, allow me to tell the tale before reaching the end.

All started in havoc.

That was the only word to portray the state in which the Clover Kingdom had fallen into. Magic knights had suddenly rebelled and fought one another, but there was a peculiar, yellow light that blazed their bodies.

It all came down crashing abruptly; for a moment peace reigned, for the other chaos broke free and roamed the streets like a wild animal from the woods. To a peril upon the other, I was in a mission in a northwest village, far from the Crimson Lions' headquarters where I resided with my husband.

My magic was cast to protect the villagers, yet my mind had travelled miles away to my and husband's chamber, he whose grave injury caged him in a comatose state. To say I was perturbed would be a hefty understatement, for the shadows of uncertainty and fear for Fuegoleon's life ate at the core of my soul.

Yet I refused to let my despondent thoughts distract me from my duty as a protector of the innocents. With every attack, every deflection, every defence, my hope dwindled and my optimism staggered.

As my storage of magic began to deplete, I felt exhaustion creep to my bones and constrict my agile movements. I tried my hardest to cast it away, yet my hands could not cease trembling.

Then, the mistake happened.

Backing away from the possessed knights, exhausted and drained, I felt my knees buckle and drop my weight, causing me to fall to the ground in a harsh contact. My defending spell moldered and evaporated to thin air, and the villagers behind me shrieked in terror and dread; the elf-possessed magic knights roared laughters of certain victory in response.

Through wide eyes of panic and horror, I watched as they accumulated their magic and combined it into a single spell.

One spell to end us all.

"Burn in hell, humans." One of them spat in bitter ecstasy before unleashing the spell. Abruptly, the spell's unmatched speed, in a flash, appeared as plodding as a tortoise's travel.

And I began to wonder if that was how death claimed one's life. Precious moments from my life involuntarily displayed themselves in front of my mind's eye, like a film that was played twice its speed. A sudden wave of regret shocked my nerves, and an overwhelming sensation of longing grasped my heart in a suffocating embrace.

Am I to join Fuegoleon? I wondered. Despite the faintest flickers of life that had weakly proven his undefeated will to remain in this world, Fuegoleon slept like a corpse in a coffin.

Too peaceful for a living being.

In a rush, tears welled in the corners of my eyes and unwillingly escaped their confines, for when I discerned my doom was imminent, all hope for the slightest chance of survival diminished. My eyes fluttered close in resignation as a lone tear raced faster than the spell that was about to snatch the soul from my body.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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