William Vangeance × Reader : Love Yourself

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Requested by ThatFlutePlayer Thank you for this lovely request!

Genre : Fluff / Hurt-Comfort.

Summary : When you find yourself consumed with doubts about your appearance, William is there to remind you just how beautiful you are.

Word count : 1798.

Trigger warning : mentions of low self-esteem, mentions of body insecurities.

. . . 🌼 . . .

You'd always found it absurd how humans decided how others from their species should appear.

The rules issued and boundaries set to 'maintain order' only served to demolish individuals' self-esteem.

Some were too consumed for the need of approval that they had formed an addiction about their appearance.

Some were too attached to live up to expectations of society that the only way they deemed fit to answer their need was to comply to social appearance.

And some were eager to establish a place for themselves and display a fake sense of power that they forced themselves to acculturate into a caste that wasn't their own.

If you are a peasant or middle class, you are supposed to appear poor, miserable with clothes coated in holes.

If you are a noble or rich class, you are supposed to appear elegant, wealthy with clothes made of the rarest silk and finest jewelry.

And no one shall defy such expectations.

Despite the pressure put on you to abide by these rules, you were fully aware that whomever ushered you to succumb were looking to serve to satisfy their own thirst for a sense of belonging.

So, you rejected such standards and went on your life the way you considered fit for you; and with a stoic face and confident façade, you defied and challenged the ideal image forced on you.

This characteristic was what captured William's eye on you. Sure, he was a respectable man and honored for his diligence and dedication to protect the kingdom.

But this respect came from his work and position, not from his appearance. If anything, William was confident in many things, but his appearance had never -and presumably would never- made it to the list.

And the answer to why is simple : his curse.

Just when he thought he would never find a heart that would accept him regardless of his hideous appearance as his stepmother would always describe it, you slammed his expectations to the wall and pulled him into the warm embrace of your acceptance.

Truth be told, it took a very long while for William to believe that you truly did not mind what lied behind his mask. He would mostly blush at your words of affirmation and flick your forehead or tap your nose in response.

But he held your words dearest to his heart.

Little by little, William started to gain confidence that, at the very least, people close to him would accept him for who he was; all because of you.

On the other hand, he did not find it necessary to return the same affirmative words of appearance to you; certainly, he complimented your looks from time to time, but not as intensely as you did for him.

He was more than certain that you were not in need of them due to the protective shield of confidence you had built in your interior and established to the exterior.

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