Nozel Silva × Reader : The Man She Fancied the Most

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It's my birthday today <3

Requested by KelsiGonzales2. Thank you for requesting!

Genre : Fluff.

Summary : (Y/n) Novachrono is part of the Black Bulls; yet, the man she fancies is the complete opposite, for his distaste to the squad is crystal clear.

Word count : 1077.

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When it came to power, it was no secret that she was a master in her field.

When it came to experience, it was no secret that she was as wise as the Wizard King, her father.

And when it came to love, it was no secret that she fancied a certain captain above all else.

In fact, the whole world seemed to acknowledge her feelings towards him, except for the man himself.

(Y/n) was already aware of his unconcealed distaste towards the squad to which she belonged.

Seldom did she find herself in the presence of the captain in question. But when she did, depending on the situation, she allowed her emotions to accordingly.

In times she would find herself overshowing hidden clues and hints of a suppressed passion, all of which Nozel was too oblivious to notice.

And in others she would leash her desires in order to put more focus on the matter at hand; yet, their spectral whispers deafened her ears constantly and relentlessly.

For her incredible ability to keep her composure in dire situation, (Y/n) earned a new concept of reverence, for its source changed from her father's high-ranking postion to her own performance in battle.

And such switch was better demonstrated in Nozel's change of attitude towards her.

During their first meeting, Nozel's treatment towards (Y/n) Novachrono appeared forced and too formal; yet he could hardly be blame. After all, the captain of The Silver Eagles was in the company of the Wizard King's daughter.

Yet as time elapsed and days shambled into years, Nozel's tense behavior started to melt down and a sense of genuineness began to dawn on his attitude.

And the fact that (Y/n)'s heart had decided to establish a space for the captain did not aid her case.

Her stoicism could rival Charlotte's; except she was not certain how the blue captain could retain her poise around her fellow captain whom captured her heart.

"Why did you join the Black Bulls?" Asked Nozel one day.

The question took (Y/n) off-guard, for she did not expect any interest from the captain towards her life decisions, or her life as (Y/n) and not a Novachrono in general; no one dared to question her decisions, after all Besides the unexpected inquiry, she did not miss the tone of annoyance that accompanied it.

She took a moment to think of an answer, "I'm drawn into their rebellious behavior."

"I could hardly tolerate such ignorance. My squad is and will forever be far from being a farce." Even though he did not hold from calling her squad a farce, (Y/n) decided to ignore the insult.

"Why the sudden interest?" Instead, she shifted focus onto the reason behind his curiosity. At that, Nozel blushed a faint pink and averted his entire face to the side, away from her preying eyes. The action, (Y/n) assumed, was a result of caught embarrassment.

"Your skills are remarkable. It would be an honour to recruite a magic knight like you." (Y/N) heard the first part of his sentence, but the last part he mumbled was too hushed for her ears to hear.

Months had passed since that conversation. Until one day, (Y/n)'s father -who was aware of the hidden adoration she held towards the silver captain- assigned her team with Nozel's in a particular mission.

It was nothing out of the ordinary; the usual secure a dungeon from bandits' hold type. Yet, (Y/n) found herself struggling with the bandits and their traps.

Nozel, on the other hand, watched from afar and only interfered when he deemed her life to be endangered, which was quite often it became humiliating for the woman.

"What's the matter with you today?" The annoyance that laced underneath Nozel's tone successful stung (Y/n)'s heart deeper. Nonetheless, she refused to reveal any points of weakness to the man whom was the center of her strength.

"A bit under the weather, I'd say." And it was true, for she had no sleep and little nutrition. It was not a choice, but (Y/n) could hardly persevere the amount of stress and pressure she was put under.

And to put the cherry on top of the cake, Nozel had grown more distant than ever since their first encounter. (Y/n)'s mind, in a fit of despair, blamed the situation on itself and promised to jeopardise her health in witless revenge.

(Y/n) expected a rethorical response from the captain, but the crease on his brow proved her wrong instantaneously.

Then, through small footsteps the captain marched towards her. He stood tall and proud before her. Reaching his palm up, her eyebrows lifted in surprise, for she did not foresee the warmth that emitted from his hand to course through the veins in her cheek, "you've lost quite some weight. Have you been taking care of yourself well as of lately?"

(Y/n) was in delirium.

Quite certainly.

Or so she thought.

Amidst the dizziness that had held her mind hostage into a stainless blank, (Y/n) failed to take notice of the flames of ire with which her face burned. Her eyes, wide and twinkling, stared at him in frozen surprise.

Her lips, agaped and rose like early raspberries, betrayed your loss of composure even further.

'I wonder if they taste like raspberries.' Nozel's face quickly exploded into flames, from his neck up to the tip of his ears, as the shameless thought crossed his mind. Taking a few calming breaths, the captain started to regain his calm.

"You ought to be in your best shape." The lack of the touch (Y/n) had unknowingly grown addicted to snapped her out of her thoughtless trance. She prayed high and low for any deity to hear her humble wish to feel his warmth once more.

It seemed as if her prayers were answered quicker than she anticipated, for Nozel's palm had, instead, resided on the small of her back to guide her away from the battlefield that had recently died down.

"I-I'm fine." (Y/n) stuttered in nervousness before adding, "I can take care of myself."

"I will be the judge of that." Nozel mindlessly pulled the woman closer to his body as he thought of her recklessness.

Not that she minded, anyway. If anything, she could use the help of who was willing to, especially if it was the man she fancied the most.

. . . 🌼 . . .

Hey guys!

I hope you're all doing well! Thank you so much for the support recently, I really appreciate it!

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Stay safe and lots of love!

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