Liebe × Reader : The Strange Human

835 20 4

Requested by dazaisfangirl. Thank you for requesting!

Genre : Fluff

Summary : Your intense interest in a certain entity that resided in Asta's grimoire, leads you to your first physically-manifested encounter unexpectedly.

Word count : 1060.

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The world is truly wondrous.

When I believed humans, animals, and plants were the only inhabitants of Earth, elves made their presence known.

But they were not the only beings to physically manifest amongst the already roaming creatures.

As if straight from Good VS Bad, fantasy tales that elders recounted to children, demons emerged from the depths of an underground world commonly known as Hell.

Planted like a seed in our heads, we were taught to believe that devils are representation of evil, further emphasized by the fact that their names are literally composed of that word.

However, that belief was put into question when I learnt of the existence of a devil who had lived under the same roof as us; the very same reason why we had won many battles against the actual evil. And I would be lying if I said that such information did not trigger my curiosity to learn more.

Thus, frequently I would find myself at Asta's door, requesting to have a 'chit-chat' with the demon in his grimoire.

"I don't think that's possible at the moment." Asta informed me as he rested his chin between his index and thumb in a thoughtful manner. Having the demon manifest in reality was, apparently, an impossible endeavour unless a ritual was conducted.

"Then maybe you could work as a mediator?" I asked, referring to his enhanced ability to freely communicate with the dark entity.

"That's a brilliant idea!"

And that was how I got a form of communication with the creature I yearned to understand. Conversation, however, was too vague of a word when it came to him, for the task of receiving a response from the demon was as rare as an eclipse.

Thankfully, after months and months of constant insisting and convincing, answers from the demon were longer and more frequent; hence how conversations became an easier pattern, or so I believed.

"Asta?" I called, one day, as I opened his door. It had become a daily routine to have a few minutes talk with the demon whom I had yet to see.

Asta, in a strange manner, was hunched over as his back faced my direction, concealing his features; such pose concerned and alarmed my senses. Marching through careful steps, I inched forward with arms ready for offense or defense.

As I got closer, I managed to notice Asta's right arm that was coated in darkness and aligned by red veins twitching. In fact, it had appeared to me that his whole body was on the verge of convulsing.

"Are you okay?" I didn't bother to hide the hint of reluctance and worry in my voice as I adressed my unresponsive teammate. If I had not noticed the change in Asta's demeanor previously, I could unavoidably detect the anti-magic that engulfed his entire aura.

"It's you." Finally came Asta's answer, except that his voice was not his own. A more scratchy, aggressive, and sinister voice acknowledged my presence in his stead.

"Wh-Who are you?" I demanded, even though I had already figured out the answer.

A mocking, short-lived laughter escaped his lips before speaking, "I'm the creature you never ceased to annoy." His eye that shone of bright, red blood fixated me in its gaze across his shoulder.

I did not move, nor that I could, for the freezing ice that rendered my legs stoned to the ground prevented me from any movement.

Slower than a snail, Asta's body turned under the devil's command. It was still Asta, but his features were completely different; sharpened dangerously than a sword, his eyes looked colder and more capable of bad, and the redness by which his orbs raged only intensified such speculation.

Within the grin that pulled Asta's face upwards, acute fangs grew to replicate that of a predator. Speaking of which, the stare by which the devil locked me under was one of a hunter to his prey.

Furthermore, horns peaked through Asta's dyed, black hair, which only served to further confirm the reality of the situation.

At the sight of the hesitant and troubled expression my face must have worn, the devil rumbled another laughter before addressing me in a provocative tone, "Are you scared now? Even when this is not my true form?"

I couldn't utter a response, for my mind had gone blank; but when most would assume that it was from fear, it was mainly from wonder and shock from the realization that I was, indeed, in the presence of an unknown entity.

"You've never told me your name." I commented after that I had ceased rambling. I looked at Asta's face as he listened the demon's response within him.

"He said why should he tell you." Asta delivered. I caught my chin and glanced at the ceiling in an attempt to think of an answer.

"Most demons brag about their name and glory. It's only fitting that you're a demon in nature, but not a devil."

"What's your name?" I unconsciously inquired after recalling the memory, which seemed to have taken the demon aback.

"Why should you care?" He spat out after a reluctant pause; a sudden urge of defense unveiled itself in its posture and tone.

"I'm not sure myself," I turned my eyes towards the ceiling for a brief reflection moment before glancing back at him, "I guess I'm intrigued by you."

And it was the truth I couldn't deny. His sole existence proved to me that we know nothing of the world we take for granted.

After an eternity, his response, despite in a low grumble, rang through my ears, "Liebe."

"Nice to meet you, Liebe." A polite smile accompanied my statement as a replacement to the suppressed urge to extend my hand to shake his.

Liebe, in return, stared at me through skeptical eyes. Yet, in a fashion odd to that of a devil, his eyes softened for the quickest seconds before he scoffed a laughter.

"You do realize I'm capable of inflicting bad on you." He warned through snared fangs, an attempt to appear more intimidating.

"I do. But I also do realize that you are not a bad person." I responded with unwavering confidence. The sheer determination, as a result, surprised Liebe even more.

"You're one strange human." The stretch that tugged his lips upwards betrayed the amusement he hid behind his statement.

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Hey guys!

I hope you're all doing well! Thank you again for requesting. I might actually write another version, but from Liebe's perspective.

As usual, if you have enjoyed your time reading this request, please do leave a vote and a comment, I would very much appreciate it!

Stay safe and lots of love!

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