Henry Legolant × Reader : Insecurities

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Genre : fluff.

Summary : Henry is insecure about your relationship because of lack of physical interaction, but you happen to figure out a solution.

Warnings : None.

Word account : 1850.

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It was a shock when you had first announced your relationship with the puffy haired magic knight to your camarades. However, the reception was more than welcoming and encouraging.

Henry, on the other hand, had to listen from his bed as you delivered the news. The two of you had been taking it slowly for the past few months before you mutually decided to break the news to the rest of the squad.

He couldn't be there to witness their reaction. He couldn't be there to deliver the news himself. He couldn't be there to hold your hand as you waited for your teammates' response.

Instead, he had to sit still in his bed and imagine it all happen with the help of the loud voices in the hallways. He hated how his health didn't allow him to move much, basically taking half of his mobility. He hated the agonising, slow way he talked to people. But mostly, he hated how he couldn't approach you or physically interact with you.

Henry detested how he couldn't hug you, kiss you, hold your hand, or even touch the tip of your finger.

In spite of the loud negativity that flooded his head, he kept quiet. Henry was definitely not the type to complain. So, figuring out his true emotions required a sensitive eye to details and intense observation.

Thankfully, you weren't too dense to spot some those moments. You could tell from the way Henry was too quiet, or when he avoided looking at your eyes, or even when he stared at you with a smile, but you knew that his mind was absent from the dullness in his eyes.

To be honest, you also hated how you couldn't approach him because of how your mana would drain drastically in a matter of minutes. Sometimes, you would even become jealous of Asta's lack of mana that allowed him to approach and stay with Henry for as long as he desired.

Henry wasn't a man of many words, but he certainly carried a lot of burdens on his shoulders. Fortunately, not only did your magic's type come with potential, but also with a possible best solution for your current misery.

Stock Magic, similar to Captain Dorothy's magic, allowed you to stock anything in your grimoire by touching the target. You had been training hard to improve your magic from stocking away lifeless objects for the longest periods of time, into more lively beings like animals and humans. This gave you huge advantage in close combat, for it allowed you to imprison bulgares or invaders from the neighbouring kingdoms.

Witnessing Henry shove away his concerns and insecurities in front of you just to keep you happy broke your heart. Every day, you would see him fade away into the grey clouds in his mind, and it hurt more when you couldn't do anything about it but throw reassuring words of love and motivational speeches. Under the great desperation, an idea popped up in your head like a popcorn- an idea that would render you magicless.

With an unwavering determination, you decided to train secretly in order to stock your own mana away. The process was difficult, slow, and required the patience of a saint. First, you had to meditate to clear your mind, so that you could give your mana a tangible body in your mind. Second, you had to concentrate on moving your mana's shape out of your body and into your grimoire, and back. Third, you had to focus on keeping your mana out of your body for the longest time possible.

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