Conrad Leto × Reader : Omniscient Eyes

902 31 24

Requested by Tekanime Thank you so much for this lovely request!

Genre : Angst

Summary : Being Conrad's wife, you resided in a village after that your husband has been sealed away. You did not expect to meet the man you fell in love with ten years later.

Word count : 1485.

Trigger warning : mentions of death.

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The day he perished was forever ironed into your memory. Not only because of the devastating separation, but also because you blamed yourself for your weakness to deter the circumstances that led to his departure.

You were convinced that Conrad was a good person, way beyond convinced. But as you watched him carelessly deliver his speech about how easy it would be to eliminate innocent people for the sake of his 'better' world, you were not sure anymore.

You were present that day, standing side by side with Julius as Conrad stared at you with a demanding look and his hand extanded to you, "Come with me, (Y/n). Join me in my quest for a new, better world."

You stood still as you were torn apart between saving Clover Kingdom with Julius and giving up on your husband, or joining Conrad at the cost of potentially the world's doom.

"(Y/n)." Your name shouted with stern plea and more demand snapped you out of your trance. Conrad had always complimented your ability the true emotions that people's eyes hid. He always told you that it was because of this innate talent that you were able to understand each other; thus, the reason why he chose you as his wife.

'Omniscient Eyes' as he prefered to nickname them.

But on that day, your eyes locked with his for a brief moment before you averted your gaze to the side.

The statement was louder than any words could utter.

Conrad grinded his teeth, his molars sounded a loud friction, before Julius unleashed his final attack to seal Conrad for good.

His eyes met yours for one final moment before he was immobilised. In that brief moment you could see a variety of emotions in his eyes: pain, betrayal, and loss.

And because of that interaction, you were not sure if your talent was a bliss or a curse, for those eyes would forever haunt your nightmares.

After the events of that day came the ramifications of being Conrad's former wife. You were not dense to the amount of hate and judgment you received from royals and magic knights, and you knew you had to get off the spotlight as quickly as possible. Therefore, you presented your resignation to Julius, who had become the descendant of Conrad, and ventured to the Forbidden Realm.

"Are you sure about this?" Julius had asked you with hesitation in his eyes. He had offered you a better position under his wing, and promised to protect you against your enemies. However, your mind had been already made as you nodded firmly in response.

His eyes had been full of pity and sadness for the loss of one of the best magic knights in the kingdom. And this was better reinforced when he got up to give you a formal salutation in gratitude and recognition for all your hard work.

However, you did not feel that gratitude towards yourself that much, for you had considered betraying the kingdom for a split second.

You knew you ought not to think about it, but it was eating at you every day.

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