Chapter 1: A Familiar world

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I wake up my body stiff and sore, my bones rusted together. My eyes glued shut, barely able to open them.

When I do, my vision is completely blurred, unable to make out anything. The amount of light is indicating that I am not in my room, where the curtains are closed, and all the lights are off. Only then did my other sense start to work.

I breath in, I smell salty air from an ocean enter my mouth, it runs down my dry throat. The strong breeze is quilled, my body's shaking from the cold. How long have I been out? Where even am I? I am certainly not where I was. Shouldn't I still be on my chair or on the floor? I mean the last thing I remember doing was playing Genshin at 1:53am.

My vision begins to clear, and I was finally able to unstick my arms from my legs, where they were cuddling, trying to keep the warmth of my body during the night. With my nose blocked it made it hard to breath. I probably have caught a cold.

Finally I am able to make out my surroundings. I am leaning against a tree at a beach, with large cliffs towering over me. How the hell did I get here? Despite how terrible I feel, the view was incredible. I have this feeling... that I had been here before.

"grrrr" my stomach growls. "I guess I haven't eaten since dinner last night." I look around still leaning against the tree not wanting to budge, until I am certain, there is food I can eat. There, dangling from a tree not too far from me was some fruit. Without thinking, I scurry over as quickly as I could. As I approach it I stop, it looks like a sunsettia. I begin to examine the fruit, indeed it is a sunsettia. A sunsettia..? It looks just like the one from Genshin Impact. "grrr" my stomach repeats.

I reach out and grab the fruit, I hold it up to my mouth to take the first bite. I bet this is some great prank or something, they just dropped me off at a random beach... that looks identical to the start of the game in genshin... and the fruit here look like sunsettia. Yeah.. The more excuses I made the more it sounded like this was something serious, and I have no idea where I am. I take the first bite. A juicy sweet flavour took over my mouth, when I swallowed it soothed my dried throat.

"mhhhh, OH MY GOD THIS TASTES GOOD!" I shout out without a care in the world. I quickly finish the fruit, and a sweep the tree dry. I guess I should look around, I cant drink sea water. So my first task is to find fresh water.

I begin to walk up a path, and I become more and more certain that this is Genshin Impact. The sunsettia tree I remember passing is still there. I approach a cliff looking down over a small valley. My heart skipped a beat. Venti's archon statue?! Everything else was slowly adding up but the Anemo Archon's statue just blew my head. No doubt, this is Genshin. What the hell how is this even possible. My jaw drops in disbelief. I stand there starring at the statue. How on earth... or should I say teyvat did I get here. I am trapped inside a video game! I am trapped inside a video game! This repeated in my head for several minutes until I calmed myself down.

I pace around in circles on the cliff overlooking Starfell Valley and Mondstadt. Ok. Ok. Scratch the whole finding water thing, I need to find out whether or not I have the same mechanics as the playable characters... Without a button to press how am I supposed to test if I can glide? This doesn't even begin to mention if I can change my elemental powers, weapons or artefacts. Am I like the traveller or? Endless amounts of questions is all I can think about. I look around for a rock to climb, one high enough for me to 'glide' of it.

"Ok, here goes nothing." I say, nervous that I might get a face full of dirt. As I attempt to 'double jump' I am greeted with yes, a face full of dirt. I lie on the ground with disappointment. Wow. That totally sucked.

I sit up. Well now onto the next test. Yay. Since I don't have a weapon, I guess I should check if I can resinate with anemo. So, I make my way down to the archon statue.

Never in my life did hate the water surrounding the statue more. If I swim threw it, my clothes will get soaked and I am already freezing. But there is no way over. I am tempted to just skip this test, but I have to do it. So I jump into the water, it creeps up to my knees. The water is freezing. Even though I am running through the water, which is now waist high, I can feel every millisecond my legs are submerged in hell.

"Shit, why Genshin! WHY!" I scream. The fish dart away, as I begin to swim. Finally, I reach the other side. My clothes drenched in cold water, I start shivering again. Holding myself, I approach the statue. It looks so real... The cracks on it show that it hasn't been levelled. I close my eyes and place my hands against the base of the statue. Please something cool happen! Please something cool happed! A couple seconds pass and nothing happens. COME ON! I came all the way here, drenched my clothes, nearly froze to death and got a face full of dirt FOR WHAT! My fists tighten. I am not giving up like that genshin.

I stare up at the statue. Out of pure determination I manage to clime the statue, something I wouldn't be able to do normally. I rest on top of the statue. My arms shaking from lifting me up. I did it. I didn't think I would actual be able to climb this thing.

My breathing slows back down and I was ready to stand face to face with one of the seven.

"Hello there~, Venti or should I say Barbatos," I chuckle, with no one to laugh with me, only the sound of wind hears my desperation. I look at him. Never did I think I would see this. I look at the orb he's holding. I feel like it is calling my name. Everything else disappeared from my mind. I never had the urge to touch it before. It seemed to glow. My fingers found their own way to the 'crystal' ball in Vent's hands. My hands pressed against it. It was cold like stone, just as you would imagine it to feel. I felt a sudden force but before I could tell what was happening my vision turned to darkness.  

Words Count: 1173

Thankyou for reading :)

P.S. i don't own the pic

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