Chapter 24: Medicine

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Summery~ You were about to be taken by Scaramouche to the Electro statue but luckily Aether arrives. Behind the sliding door you can hear Aethers voice talking to Scaramouche, you try to get your presence known but your throat is so irritated that you can't let out a scream loud enough. Eventually you break through the lock on the sliding door and Aether sees you. Aether flies into action but the purple fog on the ground causes him to collapse. Somehow, you get through the bars and defend Aether from Scaramouch, but in the process you absorb the purple fog and faint. 

Aether's POV:

After I had spoken to Yae Miko, I asked her about Y/N. She ensured me that she saved her too; however, she was in a coma. The coma was caused by her strange condition of absorbing things that contain elemental energy, as a result, she absorbed most if not all of the remaining dark energy.

I stand at the foot of Y/N's bed. The shrine maidens gave her some new clothes and took off her old bandages. I let out a sigh. "Who knows what they put you through..." I mumble, "I'm sorry I couldn't get there sooner..."

Yae Miko said that she could have sustained brain damage due to the dark energy. Her wrists are the worst, or at least the visible part of the abuse that the fatui gave her. The rope burns have been covered by an ointment that enhances healing or is supposed too anyway. As I apply new ointment, I see the geo symbol on her left lower arm. I didn't see what happened, but how was she able to dash in front of me. She got through what looked like steel bars. I put the ointment back and look at her one last time.

Paimon calls me from another room to go to anti-Shogun training. I leave the room and head down the steps of the Shrine.

A week of preparation has passed, and no sign of Y/N getting any better. I visit her every day and apply more ointment, then I leave and repeat.


My mind is foggy and empty. A splitting pain pounds in a rhythm. Slowly as I lie there, an aching feeling in all my muscles become more and more apparent. My limbs are heavy, and my head is cloudy. The only thing I can move are my eye lids.

Slowly my eyes focus, seeing a ceiling and a room full of light. Suddenly a recollection of what happened before I passed out struck me. Where's Aether?

I grunt as I sit up quickly. All the blood drains from my head and I feel lightheaded. I open my mouth to call for Aether, but barely a whisper creeps out of my aching throat. I attempt to clear it, only making it more irritated. I try to walk towards the door, but the overbearing weight of my limbs crush me into the ground. I hear fast approaching footsteps. Aether slams the door open. He looks relieved until he sees me on the floor. He rushes beside me and puts me back up on the bed.

"Are you alright," he begins. I bob my head side to side, as if making it look like I'm thinking about it. A smile creeps up on my face, and Aether just looks annoyed, but a smile soon appears.

"That's good," He mumbles, "Look, I am sorry it took me so long... I-"

I place my hand around his shoulder and pull him into a hug. "It's... ok..." I stutter through cracks in my voice.

"AETHER!!!" Paimon screeches from far away, "Aether!! You can't leave Paimon alone like that!"

She flies into the room and gasps really loudly, "AHHHH!!!! She's still alive! Paimon was beginning to get worried!"

I look at her unamused by the comment, and retreat from the hug. Instinctively I rub my wrists from the weird feeling of not having something strangle my hands. Aether notices this. "Here," he says as he passes me ointment. I rub it onto my sore wrists.

"Do you want me to show you around?" Aether grins. I nod. He hoists me onto his back and piggyback me out the door.

Lo and behold the magnificent views of Inazuma.

After getting an 'all house' tour, Aether takes me back to my room. Where we eat breakfast together and catch up. He tells me about the mess just knowing him, has brought me into as well as some stuff about his sister. In return, as it's only fair, I explain my time with the fatui and all the new things I learned about my power. This brought on the discussion of how I got out of my cell.

"I'm not entirely sure myself about what happened..." I mutter, thinking about the situation.

"Paimon didn't see anything," Paimon adds, trying to be helpful.

"Wait!" Aether beams, as does the light bulb in his head, "was I the only one that felt wind after you dashed?"

Before I answer, Paimon cuts in, "Paimon remembers a strong gust right before Y/N appeared. It was so strong Paimon nearly flew away!"

"I did too. Before I wound up outside the cell, I felt a slight breeze, but I don't remember anything after it. The dark energy was too consuming I guess, it distracted me," I slightly giggle. "It wouldn't have been caused naturally either since we were inside," I add.

Before we can continue a shrine madden enters the room, "Oh, she's awake."

I look at Aether and mouth "didn't we pass her on the tour?". He shrugs.

"I have some different kinds of medicine that you'll need to take now that your awake, for your other injuries. We will also need to conduct a general inspection performed by Yae Miko herself, into your physical and mental health..." She continues rambling, but I zone-out, out of a habit I learned at school. She passes me a cup, I groan. I assume that whatever is in the cup, I am supposed to consume, so I down it.

Aether looks shocked, "You weren't supposed to drink it!"

I spit out any part left in my mouth and croakily scream, "WHAT! AM I GOING TO DIE?!" I scream at the shrine madden.

She looks confused, and Aether bursts out laughing. So oblivious I mumble, "huh?"

"I could tell you zoned out," He wheezes, "and that you had no idea what you were supposed to do with it."

My face goes red, and I throw the cup at him, "You evil bastard. I haven't been back two days and your being mean to me already!"

While Aether is still rolling around on the floor, Paimon corrects me, "Well, you've actually been back a week."

I death stare her, "and how much of that week have I been awake?"

The shrine madden picks up the mug and pores more liquid in it, she then looks firmly at me and says, "This is supposed to be ingested."

I finish taking my medicine and Aether has headed off to training. Leaving me by myself, in a room so bright it hurst my eyes. Considering I spent the last several weeks in a dungeon, I am surprised my eyes haven't melted.

I practice standing up and slowly pacing around the room, trying to get my legs working. Right as I am about to leave. Yae Miko enters and ask, "Are you ready for your check up?" 

Word Count: 1243

Thankyou for reading :))

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