Chapter 31: Sour Widow

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Summery~ You ate dinner with Paimon and Aether, discovering that tomorrow is the day of the raid. However, due to Paimon's inability to 'waste food', Paimon has to be subjected to what ever you cook for breakfast this morning. Now its time for some fun... 

This morning was going to be the best morning of my life. Nothing like winning an award or finally leaving horrid school or waking up on Christmas morning to tear open the few presents left under the tree. Today was the day that I get revenge. All the annoying repeated messages, the stealing of food, the interruptions, the greediness and moreover, it has all been topped off with that ear shattering annoying voice of hers. Today was the day I got to feed Paimon whatever I cooked for breakfast, because being a liar doesn't look to good on a resume.

Waking up bright an early, before the sun came up, I am in the kitchen finding all the ingredients to make my revenge out of, while also creating a separate pile for the decent breakfast that Aether and I will have.

My plan to make Paimon suffer, was pretty simple and the inspiration came in my sleep. I call this culinary masterpiece of mine ...Sour Widow! Which just so happens to be the total opposite of Paimon's favourite food!

An evil laugh begins erupting from my mouth as I begin to pour all the sour things I could find into a bowl. I coat the chicken in the thick slimy past, which even began to make my fingers sting. I chuck the chicken in a pan and leave it to burn.

With the remaining ingredients I prepare an egg and bacon sandwich. A few untainted pieces of chicken also made it in there and just as the door swung open, the sandwiches were done.

"Is something burning?" Aether asks waving the air in front of his nose. His question disappears the second he sees the evil grin on my face. Paimon was too scared to follow Aether inside, but I saw her floating particles through the door.

"Oh, come on in Paimon, breakfast is ready," an eery tone couldn't help but make its way into my statement.

A cloud of doom surrounds Paimon's head as she flies through the door and hides behind Aether.

I grab the plates and dish up, while Aether and Paimon sit down. Paimon's face was of pure horror when I place a charcoal, sticky, crumbly mess in front of her.

"Paimon doesn't thing this counts as food-"

"AH! Paimon doesn't waste food, remember," I remind her. All eyes are on Paimon as she feels pressured into taking a bite. Aether looks like he is about to say something though changes his mind and stay quiet.

Using a fork Paimon attempts to stab the chicken, I watch it half disintegrate into a mushy mess as she attempts pokes it. I can see the green on Paimon's face as she just plays with her food.

"Come on, Paimon you've helped us defeat gods, don't tell me you can't eat a piece of chicken," I tease, but then I realise what's wrong with my sentence. I clear my throat a say again, "helped us defeat a god."

Haven't quite defeated Ei yet, so only one God on the resume... Stop getting a head of yourself Y/N!

"But this can't qualify as chicken-" Paimon starts.

"AH! Eat it." I death glare Paimon. I can see Aether get uncomfortable at how much I am pressuring her here, but I am doing for a reason and not just because I am evil.

Paimon lifts her fork and slowly places it in her mouth. Her face turns sour and begins to crinkle like it's about to explode. In fact, her mouth was not strong enough to hold the horrid piece of burnt mush inside it, because she soon spat it out and it flew across the room, hitting a shrine maiden out the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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