Chapter 3: Helpless

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I am pacing back and forth, in circles around that bass of the statute. What am I going to do? I can't just stand here and let La Signora hurt Venti and Aether. But I can't effect the story line. Besides I can't fight, I don't have any elements or any weapons. Who knows what would happen if I intervene. Soon they'll be done and...

I hear the doors to the Cathedral open. One bard runs out with Aether hot on his tail. Crap. I start running back up the stairs. A black goo forms on the ground behind Venti, two Fatui Pyro Agents appear. They try to strike Venti but Aether protects him with a wind blade. I reach the top of the stairs.

"You two okay?" I panic.

"Y/N! What are you doing here?!" Aether says as he chases the agents before they disappear into the ground.

"You told me to wait here." I say frantically back. I turn my head, I know exactly who is standing behind me. The second I see her from the corner of my eye.

"Click." La Signora clicks her fingers making strong winds full of ice come towards us. The force is pushing me back as I try to keep my foothold. The ice in the air is jamming into me. The force slowly calms as I notice the ice is disappearing. Even though the wind is still pushing hard, I am not getting effected by it.

I look over to see Paimon frozen in an ice block flying backwards. Aether is trying to hold his ground against the raging ice winds and Venti looks to be deflecting most of it with his anemo vision. Am I the only one not being effected by it? Venti's legs froze in place causing him to jolt forward when the wind finally stops. "Ghh," I hear Aether grunt as the two Pyro agents force him down. A third one appears behind me. It grabs my arms and forces them behind me, twisting them into an uncomfortable position. "Arh!" I scream out of pain. Venti looks back to see what happened, then quickly turns back to face La Signora. Aether looks over at me, he attempts to get free, but the two agents over power him.

"At last, Mondstadt's rodent ruler in the flesh." La Signora mocks as she approaches him.

"Scurrying through the streets, looking for leftovers. Mondstadt calls this a god?"

"Resident rodent.. beats invasive vermin-" Venti mocks back, La Signora slaps him in the face before he can finish.

"Don't you dare speak back to me, insolent bard."

Venti lets out a burst of wind around him, it starts to take off the chunks of ice encasing his legs.

"Absentee archon of Mondstadt. How impotent you have become." La Signora says as she closes in on Venti.

"That smirk you wear looks out of place. Did you steal it from your master's face?" Venti says with a smile. I can see by La Signora's face that she is pissed. She lets out another small burst of ice that sends Venti flying backward.

"Should have held you tongue." She threatens as she stomach punches Venti.

I feel completely helpless. I am being tied down by ONE pyro agent. And even if I got free there would be nothing I can do. I can see that Aether is trying his hardest to get out of the agents hands to help Venti, but me I am just standing here, I can't even struggle. I can't move my hands even if I wanted to.

Venti falls to the ground as La Signora examines what she had just obtained in her hands.

"So. This is a Gnosis huh? Wouldn't be caught dead wearing this ugly thing in public."

"Beauty is a waste... when the beholder has no taste." Venti insults out of breath. She replies with a kick in the stomach that sends Venti tumbling backwards.

"Venti!" Aether says as he makes another attempt to get out of the agents hands, but is shut down.

I stand there. Not doing anything as I have seen this once before.

"Well, we have what we came here for. Come. Before our dear Favonian friends arrive." She says as she turns her back to us and leaves. "Leave nothing for them to find."

I look over to see the agents hit Aether in the back of the head, and him fall to the ground shortly after. I know what's about to happen next. The force hit the back of my head. Pain was the only thing I could feel before I fell to the ground unconscious.  

Word Count= 773

Thankyou for reading :)

P.S. i don't own the pic

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