Chapter 25: Free time

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Summery ~ After regaining consciousness, you take some medicine and get a check-up by Yae Miko.  Now you have nothing to do. 

After the inspection into my physical and mental health, there were found to be no long-term health implications or side effects. I did not succumb to any brain damage, though my whole body needs a vacation through the Bahamas. But instead, I am stuck drinking medicine for another week and lying in bed for several more days. I didn't escape a jail cell just to be locked in another. It's my health, so, whatever. I climb out of bed, stretch, and warm up. My body is going to hate me after this, oh well.

I walk slowly and stealthily out of my room, towards the shrine steps. When no one was looking I dash down the steps and quickly make my escape to the forest bellow. I soak in the fresh air and the cool breeze as I slowly walk through the forest.

I see a clearing in the tree ahead and decide to lay there and cloud gaze for a while. I drift in and out of sleep for several hours before I finally decide to move again. I look back up at the mountain. Ain't no way I'm climbing those steps up again.

I see a rock not too far away and decide to go sit on it. A thought comes to mind about what happened in the delusion factory. The was a glow coming from my arm exactly where the anemo symbol is when I made the dash. There was wind, that couldn't be created naturally. Maybe.... Just maybe... Can I use the stored elements and release them?

That thought pondered in my mind for what felt like hours before I figured out how to test it. I stand up slowly feeling confident. Quickly I shove me hands in one direction envisioning a massive tornado erupting out of my hands.

"Huh...?" I grumble when I don't even feel the slightest whiff of air move out of my hands. I try again. Still nothing. My hands drop in defeat, and I slump back on the rock. The next thing I tried was of the same strategy as before just on a smaller scale. Curling my hands in a ball, tensing my hands in hope of something. Still nothing. Maybe I was wrong?

I sit there and stare of at the horizon. My fingers twitch when the cold breeze picks up again. I close my eyes and calm my emotions. I try to feel the elemental energy leave, just as it entered me from the statue. My thoughts calm and soon enough I feel a strong constant breeze in the palm of my hands. I open my eyes slowly seeing a small whirlwind dance around in circles. My face lights up with excitement and then it disappears.

I groan loudly as I fall off the rock onto the dirt. The split second I lost my concentration it self-destructs. Seconds later the realisation hits that I can use anemo powers. I jump up and down with excitement. Then, I try again, practice makes perfect after all. The next several hours I spend trying to form a simple ball of condensed air.

By sunset it still takes all my concentration to make a small, controlled ball of air. Earlier, I tried a larger ball, but it went out of control destroying several nearby tree branches nearly squishing me in the process. So, I decided to wait a little bit until I can effortlessly create a small, controlled, ball of air. Somehow the excitement and buzz lasted me up the steps, still full of energy, I scurry the grounds for Aether.

Not many steps into my pursuit for Aether, am I stopped by a shrine maiden. She begins dragging me towards my room, "That's where you are! You were supposed to stay in your room! Everyone is worried sick!"

My stomach sinks as a realise the panic I caused by my careless actions. Soon I am the one dragging the shrine maiden as I rush to my room. Once I enter the room, I see several very worried maidens leap with joy when they see me. This brought the attention of Aether who was in a side room, packing for something. But before Aether realises for himself, Paimon screams, "Your back! We were just about to head out to look for you! You need to stop scaring Paimon like that! It'll be the death of Paimon!"

The death of Paimon hey- My thoughts are interrupted when I don't even realise Aether is in front of me. His eyebrow is raised waiting for an explanation.

I simply say, "I was too lazy to walk back up the steps after I went for a jog."

Aether couldn't keep his straight face and started laughing, it made me feel a lot better. "That's... fine..." he sputters during laughs, "just... tell me next time."

"GUESS WHAT!" I beam.

"What?" Aether giggles, as he wipes tears from his eyes.

"I CAN USE THE POWER OF ANEMO!!" I shriek. His face lights up with joy, "REALLY?!?!!"

We both end up jumping in circles from excitement. A feeling of relief overwhelms me, knowing that Aether is excited for me.

However, that excitement quickly dies when the maidens force him out of my room, so I can rest. I smile at the ceiling and see the last remaining rays of the sun disappear out my window before I drift off to sleep. 

Word count: 924

THANKYOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THE 11K READS!!! I'm sorry this chapter took so long to get out. 

Thankyou for reading:))

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